Chapter 40 - The Whole Truth

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I'm so sorry for the delay, I had to suddenly work all day Saturday and then I was out all day Sunday (Father's Day stuff XD). Any who, I hope you enjoy the chapter and that it answers most of your questions :P


My feet moved before my mind registered what I was doing, my heart was beating loudly in my chest as I ran down the few steps and landed on the gravelled path. Ignoring the curious stares from everyone around me I focused on the one person I was aiming for.

Throwing my arms around his neck I nuzzled my nose into his chest and breathed in the familiar scent that I had grown up with.

"Aaron." I said his name almost like a prayer, hoping that he was real, standing right in front of me.

He was the same as when I had last seen him, towering above me with his fat muscles that appeared to have grown a little bit, chocolate brown eyes that had been a staring at me in shock and amazement and then a head of black hair that was ruffled slightly.

After a few heart beats of silence, I felt his arms wrap around my waist and hug me back, his face was buried in my hair and I smiled finally having my favourite sibling in my arms after so long.

We broke apart wanting to look at what time had done to the other, I couldn't stop grinning but Aaron was looking over my face with a slight frown on it. Finally he looked back at my eyes and his expression softened and he smiled down at me.

A hiccupping sound came from my right and I turned to see a beautiful girl staring at me, her hands were clasped over her mouth as she tried to contain the tears that were threatening to overflow from her deep blue eyes which were so like my mothers, it was as if she were standing there with us.


Breaking away from Aaron I moved into my sisters open arms and was immediately engulfed in her hug. She squeezed me so tight I knew bruises would appear tomorrow but I really didn't care.

She was here, he was here, and it wasn't a dream.

"I thought you were dead." She sobbed, gripping tighter onto my shirt.

Pulling away I smiled up at her and wiped a tear from her cheek, realising that I too was crying,

"Happy to know you have faith in me."

She laughed, throwing back her head before grinning at me, I could feel every pair of eyes on me but I forgot about them all. Except one.

The presence that was digging into the side of my face was too strong to ignore, it was something that both my wolf and I respected, a respect that was in the blood and no Alpha had ever come between that before.

Turning to face him, I couldn't read the expressionless mask he had placed on his face and I took a deep breath before deciding to speak.


The sharp sound of a slap rung in my ears before the sting on my cheek stepped in; I froze, eyes wide not knowing what to do. Until a monstrous growl broke me out of my trance as Hunter wrapped his hand around the throat of the man who struck me.

"Hunter No!" I shouted grabbing hold of his arm to tear him away from the struggling victim, "HE'S MY FATHER!"

Hunter's head snapped in my direction before his fingers unfurled and Mike Oakley dropped to the ground sucking in air. Dropping to my knees I knelt in front of my Dad and reached out to help him.


"You left." He snapped, rubbing his throat and his eyes turned to ice as he stared at me.

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