Chapter 26 - Belonging to Him

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The pack house was coming into view as I walked through the woods; my bare feet dodged the fallen branches which threatened to pierce the soles of my feet. It was strangely quiet and I picked up my pace once I saw a large crowd in the distance had formed in the clearing, where the guys had played rugby. 

I wonder if they're playing a game?

As I got closer to the crowd they started to move to the side and stare at me, whispers began to break out and I was met with hundreds of glaring eyes. My heart started to pick up pace as I realised something was wrong, something was really wrong.

Sobbing came from the front of the group and I started to push through faster trying to get past the accusing stares. In the centre of the group there was a clearing, nobody entered it as they stood at the sides in silence watching me approach the sobbing girl.

Her back was to me but I could tell who she was, collapsed on her hands and knees, her shoulders shook as she cried out. I reached out my hand to touch her, my mouth opened to say her name but I froze when I looked ahead of her.

There was a hole dug in the ground and just by its side there was a long rectangular wooden box. Everyone else was stood on the other side, Mum was tucked into Dad's arm as she sobbed silently, Aaron, Nick and Luke had their hands clasped before them and sombre expressions on their faces.

Alec and Leah were both there too, Leah's head was buried into Alec's shoulder and her shoulders trembled. Alec looked no better, his eyes were red and dark circles were underneath and he was holding onto Leah like she was his life support. There was one person missing and my hand dropped to my side when my eyes landed back on the box.

"Rowan?" I muttered feeling tears fall down my cheeks.

It couldn't be. Luke had said he was fine. Luke had said he was alright. I should have checked. I should have made sure with my own two eyes that Rowan was okay. He was dead. Oh God.

"Sarah can you hear me?"

Oh my God, I killed him. I dropped to my knees behind my sister, my legs giving up, burying my face in my hands, I sobbed Rowan's name over and over.


The ground beneath my feet disappeared and everything was in darkness beside my sisters back and the wooden coffin.

"The wound is healing Hunter, don't worry she'll wake up."

Wake up? I didn't want too, I killed my brother I couldn't protect him.

"Why did she pull away?"

"Can you blame the poor girl; you probably scared her to death."

Death? That's right I deserve death, I killed Rowan. Those rogues I should have killed them quicker I should have been faster. My hands fell from my face and my head rolled to the side, I blinked and was met with a dim light.

"" I muttered.

"Sarah?" There was a hand on my cheek and an involuntary shudder went through me at the strange tingles I felt.

My eyes were heavy and the sudden brightness was hurting my head, I groaned rolling my head away from the light. There was another hand on my forehead, this one was different, it was softer and cold against my skin, a woman's.

"She's running a fever, but she'll be okay." The hand left my skin but then I felt it on my stomach. "I'm concerned about this though."

Cold air hit the side of my body and I felt my muscles clench at the feeling, the hand moved and ran down my side, down the scar that wasn't able to heal yet. The scar brought memories of Rowan back and I croaked his name feeling a wave of sadness and regret flow through me.

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