Chapter 35 - Painful Pasts

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*not edited*

"War?" Iris repeated in a whisper as she starred at me from across the table.

"Yeah." I replied lowering my Costa cup back down.

"What did he say after that?" Iris asked looking back at me.

"Nothing, he said they didn't know much more but that he would find out soon."

"Is that where they all are?" Iris asked looking around, like one of the guys would just magically pop up out of nowhere.


We fell into another few moments of silence as Iris's gaze dropped to the table and she glared at her own drink like it had offended her in some way. I watched her reaction with a general curiosity over the rim of my own cup, as I took another couple of sips.

Since I wasn't a hundred per cent sure what this war would entail, I was left talking to Iris all about it. Everyone else I had asked seemed to just look at me blankly and not want to say anymore, Hunter wasn't much better.

After last night, I had eventually gotten to sleep only to wake up in the morning to find out that Hunter didn't want to talk about it. We had driven to school as usual, the boys being loud and noisy in the back, then the day had continued as normal, with the occasional run in with Jessica.

In my last lesson Iris had appeared and told me that all the guys had gone to some meeting, including Hunter, which meant we were left alone. Beside the two bodyguards that Hunter had left to take me home, who Iris and I had slipped past.

We had gone into town and window shopped until we got thirsty and decided to take a break. While we sat chatting, I learnt that Oliver had also been invited to the meeting and that's how Iris had found out about it.

"I don't understand why I wasn't invited." I mumbled out loud.

"Hunter wants to keep you safe." Iris shrugged picking up her cup and taking a ship.

"So shouldn't I be in the meeting?" Raising an eyebrow, I knew that my irritation at having both been left out and been given bodyguards was showing in my voice.

"Sarah," Iris placed her cup back on the table, "if the pack really is dragged into war, who do you think the most important person is?"

"What?" Now I was really confused.

Iris role her eyes and I glared in return, "If the pack went to war, who is the most important person?"

"Um the Alpha?" I said, getting even more lost than I was two minutes ago.

"Is he? Because I am hundred percent sure that there is one person who is more important to the pack and to the Alpha."

"Wha..." My eyes widened when I realised what she was saying, "Luna Beatrice."

"Well yes but at this moment in time, Luna Beatrice isn't the most important. She has given the pack its future Alpha and even though many people would be distraught if anything happened to her, there is someone else who is important. If this someone else were to die then it would be the downfall of the pack and the future generation."

A few seconds past as I watched Iris with wide eyes, what she had said was sinking into my brain. Then taking a deep breath and looking back down at my drink I whispered, "me?"

"Yes as Future Luna, you and Hunter are the key to the packs future. If something happened to you then Hunter would be inconsolable, Alpha mates are a lot closer than normal mates since they have the whole packs wellbeing on their shoulders. As the eldest son, Hunter has the power and ability to take the pack, you didn't even think about how important you are?"

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