Chapter 33 - New Girl

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*not edited*

"You'll really like it Sarah and the teachers are really nice." Ryan said quickly from the backseat, "Quite a lot of them are wolves too and they'll really like you."

I turned in my seat to smile at the 13 year old, his eyes were lit up in excitement as he told me about the school. We were all inside Hunter's car as he drove us, Joe and Ryan were in the back seats, I had learnt that it was usually my mate's job to drive his younger brothers to school.

Ryan kept talking about the different teachers and I nodded my head occasionally to show I was listening to him. Joe was sat beside Ryan silently listening to his brother, I shifted my gaze to watch the youngest Crawford and feeling eyes on him, Joe smiled at me.

Someone gripped my hand and I moved back into my seat so that I was facing forward, and not craning my neck. Hunter raised our joined hands to his lips and placed a gentle kiss to my skin not taking his eyes of the road.

"Nervous?" He lowered our hands to the arm rest between us.

"Nope." I chuckled, leaning back as Hunter began to draw circles into my skin with his thumb.

"If you have any problems-"

"I'll let you know." I finished grinning at him.

The further we drove the more students I began to see on the pavement, they were all walking towards a very tall rectangular building with a huge car park at the front. There were woods beside the building and the front of it was filled with large windows to let the natural light in.

As we drove through some big open gates, heads started to turn in the direction of the car and people began whispering and pointing. I was really thankfully that Hunter had tinted windows.

"Am I... missing something?" I asked glancing around at all the curious bystanders.

"It's because Hunter hasn't been going to classes recently." Joe said gathering his bag of the floor.


"Yeah he said he wanted to be with you." Ryan grinned leaning forward in his seat.

Hunter was watching me as Ryan spoke and I raised an eyebrow in disbelief.


"You skipped school?" I asked horrified, trying desperately to hide how happy I was feeling inside.

"First it's college, second it wasn't all because of my beautiful mate and lastly I got to spend time with you, so it was worth it."

"So that means you can skive?"

"No," Hunter manoeuvred so that his back was to the door and his left arm was draped over the steering wheel, "but being future Alpha and the godson of the headmaster helps."

"Unbelievable." I muttered rolling my eyes and grinning.

"Alright see you later kids." Hunter said looking into the backseat of the car.

"Bye Sarah, see you later." Ryan jumped out of the car and slammed the door shut causing Hunter to growl lowly.

"Have a good day." Joe smiled, before carefully getting out of the car and very carefully closing the door, leaving Hunter and I alone.

There were a few moments of silence before I cleared my throat awkwardly, it didn't help that Hunter kept staring at the side of my face, "I suppose we better go. What the..."

The door was locked! I pulled on the handle a few times and all I got was a clicking protest.

"Hunter wha-" turning my head to face Hunter, I was met with a passionate kiss.

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