Chapter 13 - Making friends

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Thank you everyone for all the votes and all the comments, it means so much to me that you like the story XD I hope you continue to enjoy it!



"Make it stop!" Nick groaned loudly, "My ears are bleeding!"

"Nick!" Meg faked a gasp placing her hand over her heart, "you don't like your lovely sister's singing?"

"You call that singing?" he muttered slamming his head against the car window.

"I am very offended right now." Copying Meg's reaction and showing a hurt expression, "I thought that families supported one another, thou should love thy neighbour."

"Thou should not commit murder." Nick muttered back.

The car erupted into laughter and I leant back in my seat grinning. It was nice; we hadn't really had this family bonding moments for quite a while. Preparing to leave home, then actually getting here, had caused everyone to be nervous.

Finally things seemed to be looking up, Meg was practically glowing sitting beside me in the back seat, she was sat in the middle while Nick was on the other side of her. Aaron was driving and Luke sat in the passenger seat, through the mirror I could see the small smirk playing at the corner of Aaron's mouth and Luke was looking out the window grinning.

The dinner with Rowan had been amazing last night, we all just clicked. At first Dad was a bit hesitant with letting someone else into the family, but the looks that Megan and Rowan gave each softened him up a bit. Mum was through the roof over the fact that her daughter had met her mate, she kept asking him tons of questions, which he answered happily.

What surprised me the most was that my parents allowed Rowan to stay late into the night, he and Meg went to her room and just talked for hours. At about 1 in the morning I heard him leave, followed by Meg skipping back to her room.

As we pulled up into the school car park, everyone looked at us, but this time we didn't even notice. Piling out of the car with cheerful faces, we continued to hear Nick complain about our singing and we defended ourselves.

Suddenly Meg stopped talking and she slowly turned around. We saw the Darkmoon pack staring at us from across the car park, they had all been talking but stopped once we arrived. Still with goofy grins on our faces we watched them carefully.

"They don't look happy." Luke muttered standing next to me.

"No they don't." Aaron added standing on the other side of me.

Alec who had been sitting down on one of the wooden benches stood up, his face was pale and dark circles were under his eyes. He looked mad.

Leah went to stand next to him placing a hand on his chest she opened her mouth to speak, with my hearing I managed to pick it up, "Calm down Alec."

"Great." I muttered under my breath.

"What?" Aaron looked at me confused and I realised that they hadn't heard what Leah had said.

Alec shrugged Leah off him and started to walk towards I glanced at Meg but saw she wasn't even paying attention to what was happening. Great time to day dream.

A smile crept its way onto her face as she stared into the distance, following her gaze I saw the familiar grey range rover pulling into the car park and stop a few spaces away from us.

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