Chapter 24 - Cellmates

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Thank you everyone so much for all the support you've give me and I hope you've all had a great Christmas and New Year. 

Now I have recently been updating daily since it's xmas holiday and I've had loads of free time, but next week I start college again and I won't be able to update as frequently. I promise to update a minimum of once a week and maybe even sooner if I have time.

I hope you guys will be patient and continue to enjoy Golden Secret / Golden Lie, thank you :D


"I spy with my little eye something beginning with... b." I said watching the small bug run around on the other side of my cell.

"Bulb." Iris suggested.


"Bar?" Oliver yawned.



I raised an eyebrow and looked over at Iris; she was slouched against the back wall of her cell and looking over at shirtless Oliver who was also in the same position.

"Good one, but no."

"Were you checking me out?" Oliver asked lifting his head slightly.

"Please, I've seen way better." Iris rolled her eyes and her body slipped down the wall a bit more.

"Baby, have you seen these guns?" Oliver asked flexing his arm, but then dropped it with a sigh, "You are clearly blind, right Sair?"

Oliver had given me the nickname Sair, since he thought Sarah was too long.

"Too many syllables, ha, get it." He had declared the day before.

It was strange when they called me by the different name, when I had been asked for it I had suddenly panicked. I didn't want anyone finding out who I was, I wanted to have a new life, Sarah was close enough to my really name that if someone said it I would turn my head.

"Yes Oliver, you are clearly a God on earth" I replied sarcastically and Iris giggled.

"Give us a clue." Iris asked, and I started watching the bug again as it ran around.

"It moves."


Iris and I both looked over at Oliver, with very unimpressed faces, who just shrugged his shoulders in response.

"What they move, and I can see some."

"Grow up." Iris huffed but I saw the corners of her mouth twitch.

I rolled my head back and closed my eyes smiling, "No its not boobs."


"Who's a boy?!" Oliver asked looking offended, while Iris and I just laughed.

The door that led outside opened with a clang and a heavy pair of footsteps could be heard.

"Why good... is it morning or afternoon, Tyler?" Iris asked as the guard came into view.

"Afternoon" he replied, moving to my cell door and I stood up, knowing the routine.

"Well then good afternoon Sunshine." Oliver said smiling and he only got a growl in return.

Once the door was open, Tyler moved closer to me and undid the chain around my foot, then he lead me out and down the passage, in the opposite direction that he had come from, to a metal door.

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