Chapter 2

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He was Mathew Baynton! The guy from horrible histories! The one my sister was talking about the other day, she wasn't wrong about him being hot. I knew I had to talk to him so I pulled myself together and said "Hi my name is (Y/N) is there anything else I can help you with today?" he looked at me with a smile and said "Hello there my lovely! No thats all thanks!" I internally screamed, he called me lovely!! My face went as red as a tomato. He looked at me, "are you okay? You seem to have gone very red?" I looked at him and said calmly, "Oh its just because I recognise you! Your Mathew Baynton! You played Dick Turpin and Charles II in horrible histories! I must say your very beautiful in real life." I close my eyes, I shouldn't have just said that, I called him beautiful! He must think I'm so weird now! He looked at me with a warming smile. "Why thank you! And can I just say your rather beautiful yourself, is there any chance I could see you again, maybe over a coffee?" I think to myself for a minute, "yes! I would love to see you again! Could I get your number just so I can message you about timing etc!" he looks at me and takes a random piece of paper on the counter and takes a pen, he starts writing down his number, I cant stop bouncing my leg up and down, I shouldn't be as nervous as I am! He hands me the piece of paper and says "Hope to see you soon (Y/N)" I look at him and nod my head, I'm so happy my words won't come out of my mouth, Im going to have a coffee with Mathew Baynton!

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