Chapter 3

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When I get home from work I immediately text Mat, I read the text over and over again to make sure there are no typos, the text says, 'Hi Mat! It's (Y/N) you gave me your number this morning, I'm not working tomorrow so if your free we can meet for coffee then?' I send the text, bouncing my leg to try and calm my nerves, less than 5 minutes later, my phone vibrates, its a text from Mat! it says 'Hi (Y/N)! Yes I'm free tomorrow! What time were you thinking to meet? Xx' I scream, he put kisses at the end of the text!! I jump up and down and then I walk around my room thinking about what time we should meet. I quickly reply 'How about 12pm? Xx' he replies pretty quickly this time, 'Yes 12pm is absolutely fine! Cant wait to see you again! Xxx' I scream again! I'm going to see Mathew Baynton again!

I run to my closet a throw the doors open, I ramble through my messy closet as I try to find my favourite summer dress, which is yellow with white flowers on it, my mum got it for me when I first moved into my flat. I finally find the dress and lay it out on my bed, I run back to my closet and look for a jumper or a jacket to put over the dress, I find this white cardigan jumper thing, another thing my mum got me. I iron out my dress so that it looks neat, I hang it up with my jumper. By the time I've finished ironing my dress and finding the perfect shoes to go with the dress it's about 8pm, at this time I would normally have my dinner but im too nervous for tomorrow to even think about eating, so instead I decide to go have a shower and get ready for bed, when I'm in bed my phone vibrates, it's a text from Mat! 'Hi (Y/N) forgot to ask this earlier, but where are we meeting? Xxx' I quickly think about where we should meet, I cant think of a place so instead I say, 'Hi Mat! We could meet at my flat if you want? Here's the address. Xx' I quickly send him my address, and in less than a minute he replies, 'Yep that's great, see you tomorrow! Xxx' I don't really know how to reply to that, I think to myself for a second, 'yep! See you then! Xxx'

Meeting Mat BayntonWhere stories live. Discover now