Chapter 8

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When it was about 2am we decided to go get ready for bed, we went upstairs together "you can have the first shower if you want, you can wear one of my hoodies to bed." Mat said happily. "Thanks! I'll try to be quick then if I'm going first!" Mat laughed "You can take as much time as you need!" when we get to his bedroom he gives me a hoodie and a towel, when I go into the bathroom I leave the bathroom door open a little bit, I turn on the shower and take my clothes off while I wait for the shower to warm up. When the shower is warm enough I get in, as I get in I hear Mat's bedroom door opening, Mat had gone back downstairs to get a glass of water, I can see Mat looking at me while Im showering and I can see him with his one hand in his pants I can also see him covering his mouth with his other hand trying hold in a moan. I quickly finish washing myself in the shower and get out, Mat still unaware that I saw him pleasuring himself to my naked body. He goes into the shower, I get back into my underwear, and as I am doing that Mat walks back into his bedroom, and he looks so hot while he's wet, I get up off his bed and walk over to him and kiss him, I put my hand on his wet chest and he pushed me onto his bed, he laid next to me and kissed me, I climbed on top of him and kissed his chest, I swiped my hand down his chest and pulled his towel off his body and kissed his dick, I opened my mouth and put it inside my mouth, Mat moaned, "faster" mat said breathless, he held onto my hair and pushed my head up and down, then his hot cum slid down my throat, I pulled myself away. "Wow." Mat said surprised at my abilities. "Good right?" I look at him waiting for an answer, "Amazing" he says as he kisses me. 

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