Chapter 20

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The next morning I wake up laying on Mat's chest, we are both naked, Mat wakes up, I looked up at him "Morning" I say as I kiss him, "morning my love, do you want me to make us some breakfast?" Mat says still half asleep, "Im not that hungry! I need a shower though!" I laugh, Mat laughs with me, "okay!" Mat says still laughing with me, I get out of bed and head into the bathroom, Mat follows behind me, I turn on the shower and Mat brushes his teeth, I get into the shower and Mat goes downstairs to get a glass of water for himself, I quickly finish in the shower, and Mat is sitting on the bed, "all done?" Mat says drinking his water, "yep!" I say walking round to Mat, I take his glass of water out of his hand, "um, excuse me love, that was mine!" Mat says trying not to laugh, "well now it's mine, go have a shower." I laugh at him, "fine... I'll be back, don't drink all of it!" Mat says as he kisses my head, I pick out my outfit, I pick out a pair of black jeans, and a white formal frilly shirt, I quickly get dressed and go downstairs to make myself a coffee, I finished Mat's water, so I take the glass downstairs and put it in the dishwasher, I hear Mat get out of the shower and go into our bedroom, "(Y/N)!" Mat shouts down the stairs, "What?!" I chuckle, "Where did my water go?!" I can't help laughing, "I don't know!" I hear Mat chuckle to himself, "Ill tickle you! tell me where my water went!" Mat knows I hate being tickled "no!!" I shout still laughing, I hear Mat walk into our room, I finish making the coffee's, then I hear our bedroom door opening, I run into the living room and hide behind the sofa, "(Y/N)? Where are you?" I hear Mat shouting from the kitchen, "somewhere you will never find me!" I hear Mat laugh, "just tell me where my water went and I won't tickle you!" I giggle to myself as Mat walks into the living room, I stand up so he can see me, "ill never tell you!!" I say as I run into the hallway and up the stairs, I see Mat running after me, I run into our bedroom and hide under the bed sheets, Mat laughs as he pulls the sheets off me and pulls me off the bed, he tickles me until we get to the wall, he stops, we are both laughing at each other, we stop laughing and we gaze into each others eyes, I kiss him, I put my hands on his hair, he picks me up and continues kissing me, "we just showered! maybe we should save it for later?" Mat stops, he's still holding me in his arms, "good idea! I don't want to shower again!" Mat laughs. We head back downstairs, and we head back into the kitchen, "what should we do today?" Mat asks, "I don't know! Maybe you should choose what we do!" As I said that Mat gets a group chat text from his friend Martha, 'Hey guys! do you lot want to go out for a fancy dinner tonight?' Mat shows me the text, "do you want to go?" Mat asks, "If you want to!" I say happily, Mat quickly replies, 'Me and (Y/N) will be there!' Martha replies to the text, 'can't wait to meet her!' Mat smiles at his phone, "everyone is going! They can't wait to meet you!" I smile at Mat, " a fancy dinner? does that mean we have to dress up? like fancy fancy dress? Where are we going?" Mat looks at his phone, "Ill ask her." 'Where are we going?' Mat gets a reply almost automatically 'I can't remember what it's called but you have to wear a suit and (Y/N) has to wear a gown/expensive dress!' Mat shows me the text, 'thanks Martha! Xx' "Okay I'll have to go buy a gown!" I say, "Okay then, let's go now do you have it ready! I know exactly where to go, Martha gets her dresses from there for the award shows!" I smile at Mat "Wow, I'm going to get an award Dress?!" I say in shock, "of course you are! I'll get you whatever you want!" I hug him, "thank you."

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