Chapter 22

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When we arrive at the restaurant, We see Jim, Martha, Larry and Ben waiting outside, Mat walks over to them and hugs them, "Hi everyone, where's Simon?" Martha giggles "he's late as usual! You must be (Y/N)!" I smile "Hi! Yes that's me! It's so nice to finally meet you all!" They all smile, then we see Simon get out of his car, "nice of you to finally turn up!" Larry says sarcastically, "oh haha, very funny you know I had to wait till my daughter went to bed!" We all laugh at him, "oh Simon! This is (Y/N)!" Mat says happily, "hello there!" Simon says, "how on earth did Mat find someone so beautiful?!" Simon says, "excuse me?!" We laugh at Mat, "should we head inside then?" Martha says already half way through the door, we all follow her inside the restaurant, it's so fancy, there are huge chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, the tables are covered with a pure white table cloth, there are wine glasses set on the table and there are candles in the middle of the tables, a man sees us waiting, "Hello, welcome, let me show you to your table." He says with a posh accent, we get to the table and Mat pulls a chair out for me, I smile as I sit down, "why thank you darling." I say trying to sound posh, "it's my pleasure." Mat says in a posh accent as he sits down next to me, "you two are so cute!" Martha says as she drinks her champagne, Mat smiles at her "thanks Martha" Mat goes on his phone to text someone, I look over quickly to see that he's texting his group chat, why would he be texting the group chat when they are all here? Martha looks at her phone when the text goes through and almost screams, "oh my gosh!! Really?!?" Larry looks at Mat "go on mate!" I look at them in confusion, "what's happening?!" Simon asks looking just as confused as me, "check the group chat!" Ben says, Simon looks at his phone "good for you mate!" I'm still confused, Mat leans over to me "are you alright darling?" I look at him and smile "yea I'm fine!" Still curious to know what they are all talking about, instead of asking what they are all talking about I just sip my champagne, and eat my dinner. When we have finished our dinner we all talk for a few more hours then Martha says "we should probably be heading home, it's getting late!" they all agree and we all stand up and head out the door, just as we head out Mat pulls me back, and everyone waits, Mat takes a deep breath in "(Y/N) I know we haven't been together for a long time, but I really love you, and I love spending time with you, I love being with you!" I smile at Mat, "I love you too!" Mat smiles, "So..." Mat takes a deep breath and gets down on one knee, "(Y/N) will you marry me?" 

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