Chapter 13

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"Wow" I say Breathlessly, "well we did that." Mat says happily, we laugh together as we put our clothes back on. "We should probably get back to packing up." Mat says, I look around the room and see how much is left to pack up "there isn't that much left we only have to pack up the cupboard above the sink and all the stuff in the shower." Mat looks around and nods his head as he starts cleaning out the cupboard, "We are finished packing in here (Y/N)!!" Lelia shouts from my bedroom, "Okay thank you! We are almost done in here!!" I say as I quickly put all my stuff in the box, "all done" Mat and I say together. "I can't believe I'm moving out of this flat!" I say happily, Mat looks at me and hugs me "I can't wait for you to move in with me! Where are your keys?" Mat says excitedly, I put my hands in my pockets and pull them out "here they are!!" I say excitedly. Mat smiles and kisses me.
We walk out of the bathroom holding the boxes, "all done" I say trying to catch my breath after lifting the heavy box. "Thanks guys so much for helping!" Barry and Lelia smile at each other, Mat puts his arm around me and kisses my head. "We found this bag with a computer compartment in it so we put your computer and the charger in there!" Lelia says happily. I smile and nod "thank you!" She hands me the bag, we all pick up a box, and take it down to Mat's car, we end up making a few trips to the car with boxes, we didn't actually realise how many there were!
Soon enough we have finally finished, "thanks so much for your help!" I say as I give Barry my keys, Barry smiles "thanks (Y/N) I want to wish you well in the future, and I want to say thank you for being an amazing tenant!" Barry chuckles to himself, "no problem Barry!" I giggle at him "we best be off then!" Mat says excitedly, he shakes Barry's and Lelia's hand, I hug them both, Mat opens the car door for me, "in you go m'lady!" Mat laughs, I giggle at him "thanks so much kind sir!" We joke around together. As Mat drives away I wave at Barry and Lalia and smile out the window as I hold Mat's hand.

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