Chapter 5

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He pulls out a chair for me, "thank you." He smiles at me "no problem my love, what can I get for you?" I think for a second, "Can I have a coffee please!" He smiles and nods his head as he goes to buy the drinks. As I wait I get my phone out of my bag and quickly text my best friend Leila, 'OMG YOUR NOT GOING TO BELIEVE WHO IM ON A DATE WITH!!' I quickly send her the text before Mat comes back with the drinks, he hands me my coffee "Thanks Mat!" he smiles at me "Your welcome my sweet." 

After a few hours of talking and laughing together he looks at his watch and says "Maybe we should get going, do you want to come back to mine?" I nod my head and get up out of my seat. On our way to Mat's house he says, "Are you dating anyone?" I look at him, feeling rather hesitant to answer him, "n-no I'm not dating anyone...a-are you dating anyone?" When he stops at a red light he takes my hand and says "I'm not dating anyone, sweetheart." I look at his hand and smile at him, When we get back to his house he helps me out the car and offers me a hand, I take his hand 

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