Chapter 16

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The next morning I wake up before Mat, so I decide to go and make us some breakfast, I quietly get out of bed and put on my robe, I quietly go downstairs and head into the kitchen, I take a look in Mat's fridge, I can only see eggs and half a bottle of expired orange juice, "it looks like I'm making eggs" I say quietly, so I start making breakfast, then I hear Mat moving around upstairs so while the eggs are cooking I make myself and him a coffee. "Morning handsome!" I say as I hand him his coffee, "morning darling, how was your first night in your new house?" Mat says while still being half asleep, "I must say your bed was very comfortable!" I giggle, Mat laughs a bit then takes a sip of coffee, "I think we should go food shopping today!" I say as I give him his breakfast, "why? is there nothing in the fridge?" Mat says as he sips his coffee, "Mat, you have half a bottle of expired orange juice and two eggs, I think we should get some more food!" I say while eating my eggs, "okay! we will go food shopping" Mat says while eating his eggs. When we have finished our breakfast, we go upstairs, " do you want to have a shower first? it might wake you up a bit!" Mat looks at me with his eyes half closed, "Thank you." We head into our bedroom, "Do you want to share a shower?..." Mat asked, I think for a few seconds, "I mean it would be quicker!" Mat and I laugh together, we get into the shower together, it was very cramped but it just felt right to shower with him, he held my hand and pulled me closer to him and kissed me, the water was dripping on our faces, but that didn't matter all that mattered in that moment is that I was kissing Mat. A while later we got out of the shower and went into our bedroom, Mat picks out his clothes, I end up taking 30 minutes to pick out my outfit, I go with my creamy coloured maxi dress with a white sweatshirt, and my white chunky trainers. I walk downstairs and wait by the door for Mat, he is looking for his phone, I've already called him twice. Soon I get sick of waiting for him so I go have a look upstairs, and sure enough I find it on his bedside cabinet still on charge, "found it!" I shout down the stairs, "Where the fuck was that?" Mat asks in confusion, "upstairs, on charge, and the reason we didn't hear it ring is because it was on silent!" Mat laughs "sorry about that darling, I should have looked upstairs first!" I giggle with him "its fine! let's get going!" Mat opens the door for me to go through "thank you kind sir!" I laugh with him as he locks the door, Mat jogs ahead of me to open the car door for me too "Mat you're such a gentleman!" I say as I kiss him on the cheek. 

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