Chapter 19

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The test says, negative. I decide to do the other two, they both come back negative. I open the bathroom door and I hear Mat pull up outside, I decide to wait by the door for him to come in properly before I go tell him I'm not pregnant, "Hi Lelia!" I hear Mat say, "Hi Mat, (Y/N) is just upstairs doing the pregnancy tests" I hear Lelia say, "okay!" Mat says happily, I pull myself together and go downstairs holding the tests, "hello my lovely!" Mat says as he gets up and walks over to me, I can't help but crying, "what's wrong my love?" Mat asks as he pulls me into his arms, "I'm not pregnant." I say while crying, I see Lelia put her hand on her mouth in shock, "it's fine! Don't cry!" Mat says as he kisses my head "do you want some dinner?" Mat says trying to cheer me up, "I'm not hungry, I'm just going to go have a shower and go to bed." I say while wiping my tears away. "Okay darling, let me know if you want anything" Mat says as he kisses my head again, I walk upstairs and my tears won't stop, I go into the bathroom and turn on the shower, I see the pregnancy tests on the counter and I quickly throw them in the bin, I don't want to look at them. I get in the shower still crying, I quickly shower then get out and get into Mat's hoodie and my pyjama bottoms, I hear Lelia leave, I walk over to the window and wave goodbye to Lelia. I sit on the bed and start crying again, I hear Mat walking up the stairs, he opens the door and sees me crying, "hey, what's up?" he says as he sits next to me and wraps his arm round me, "nothing, I just really wanted to have a baby!" I say as I wipe away my tears, "It's fine my darling, we can keep trying." Mat says as he kisses my head, "I know we can keep trying but I don't know if it would ever be possible!" I say leaning into Mat's arms, "one day... one day you will be pregnant, you're going to be the best mother ever, wether I'm the father or not!" I look at Mat, "I want you to be the father of my baby! You would be the best dad!" Mat kisses me, "Im going to go turn off all the lights downstairs and I'll be right back!" Mat says as he walks out of the bedroom, I take off Mat's hoodie and put on my pyjama top, Mat comes back into the bedroom, "Im going to the bathroom to brush my teeth, I'll be two minutes!" Two minutes later Mat walks out of the bathroom and gets into his pyjamas, he gets into bed and goes on his phone for a while and I put my head on his shoulder, he looks at me "are you alright?" I look into his eyes, "Im not sure how I'm feeling." I say still looking in his eyes, I sit up and face him, he his still gazing at me, we move closer together, he kisses me, I put my arms around him, as he starts kissing my neck, things soon start getting heated, Mat takes off his top, I help him take off his pyjama bottoms, I climb on top of him he pulls me closer to him, he kisses me again, he holds my hips as he kisses my neck, I take off my pyjama shorts, while he kisses my neck... 

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