Chapter 23

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I think for a second, my brain is still trying compute what Mat just asked me, everyone is waiting for an answer, Mat is still on one knee and is holding this beautiful diamond ring, I remember seeing it in the shop a few weeks ago, "Mat, I-I'd love to marry you!!" I say as he stands up and puts the ring on my finger, he kisses me softly then turns round to see everyone clapping, "Congratulations you two!" Martha says giving us both a hug, "well done mate." Larry says shaking his hand. After, we head out of the restaurant, we stand outside, "It was lovely to meet everyone! Thank you I've had an amazing evening!" I say linking onto Mats arm, "it was lovely to meet you too!" says Martha, "I suppose we should head off then?" Ben asks, "yep, see you all soon!" Mat says as we start to walk to the car. We get to the car and Mat opens the door for me, "thank you darling!" I say kissing him on the cheek, he smiles at me and waves goodbye as he gets in the car. "I had a lot of fun tonight Mat!" I say happily, "so did I! Do you like your ring?" Mat asks, "Mat, I absolutely love it!" I say as I hold his hand, "I'm glad you like it." 

Soon we arrive back at home, Mat helps me out of the car and opens the front door, we are still holding hands, we stand in the hallway looking into each others eyes, we lean closer together and he kisses me, he holds my hips and I put my hands on his cheeks, he picks me up and carries me to the living room, he puts me on the sofa and kisses my neck, I giggle as I put my hands on his hair, Mat takes off my dress and continues kissing me, he picks me up and puts the dress on the sofa, he carries me up the stairs and into our room, he puts me on the bed and takes his clothes off and throws them on the floor. I kiss his chest, gradually getting lower down his body until I reach his dick, I put it in my mouth, he holds onto my hair as he moans. I climb on top of him...

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