Chapter 18

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I have been living with Mathew Baynton for three months and they have been the best three months of my life, but a few days ago I started feeling really sick when I wake up, Mat is really worried about me, he was supposed to go somewhere this morning but he wanted to stay and look after me, "do you think you might be... you know... pregnant?" I think for a bit "I mean I could be but Ive been told by my doctor its unlikely to happen." Mat looks at me, "maybe we should find out?" all of a sudden I feel really nervous, but I really want a child, just not right now, I'm ready for a child, but Ive been told so many times I cant have children. "Maybe we should, but I'm nervous." I say as Mat hugs me, "but wouldn't you want to know if you were pregnant?" I think for a second, "Im going to text Lelia, to see what she thinks I should do." Mat smiles and nods "good idea, I'll be downstairs if you need me!" Mat says as he kisses me. 'Hey Lelia! I need your help!' I sit on our bed nervously, I get a text almost automatically, 'Hello lovely! What's up? Xx' I don't know how to tell her that I might be pregnant! 'So, I haven't been feeling well recently, I thought I might just be unwell then get over it, but Mat thinks I might be pregnant...' I get a text back from Lelia straight away 'AHHHH OMG!!! YOUR PREGNANT!! IM GOING TO BE AN AUNT!! HAVE YOU TAKEN A TEST?!' I giggle at her text, I knew she would be like this, 'I MIGHT be pregnant! We don't know yet! and no I haven't taken a test, could you come with me to get one please?' I wait for a few minutes then get another text from Lelia 'I'm on my way to yours now get ready xx' I laugh at my phone, I quickly put my shoes on, and grab my bag, I run downstairs, Mat is in the living room watching TV, "Im going to the shops with Lelia, ill be back later! Love you." I say as I kiss him, "Okay, see you later!" as soon as I step out of the door Lelia pulls up outside, "Hello darling!!" Lelia says enthusiastically, "Hello!!! Ive missed you so much!" I say still feeling a bit sick from this morning, "I've missed you too darling!!" Soon we arrive at the shop "right we are just getting the tests and going!" I say because I still feel sick, "okay!" Lelia says a bit upset that we can't walk round the shop, "which one should we get?" I say to Lelia as if I were clueless, "I don't know, just get 3 different ones, I'd pick the cheapest!" Lelia laughs, "hm good idea, let's get two cheap ones and one expensive one!" Lelia nods her head. When we had finished picking the pregnancy tests we quickly go and pay for them then run back to the car. "Are you excited?" Lelia asks, "about what?" I say confused, "about being a mother?!" Lelia says happily, "I mean I probably won't be pregnant, you know it's unlikely!" Lelia starts the car and drives back to Mat's house. When we arrive back at the house Mat's car isn't on the driveway, "where is he?" Lelia says in confusion, "I don't know, let me call him." I call Mat "hello, where are you?... Ohhh okay! See you in a bit! Love you bye!" I end the call, "he's at his best mates house, I think he said Jim's house." Lelia smiles at me, "should we go and find out if your going to be a mother?!" Lelia says enthusiastically, "I suppose..." I say as I open the door, when I get inside I head straight upstairs to the bathroom, I do one of the tests, and then place it on the counter and wait. A few minutes later I look at the test...

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