Chapter 10

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"Mat... I-I'd love to move in with you" I say as I run into his arms and kiss him, "great! Here are your keys" He says as he holds out the set of keys, I take the keys, I cant stop smiling, Im actually going to move in with Mathew Baynton. "I have to go get my stuff though!" Mat smiles "I'll come and help you pack up your things." Mat says as he hugs me "Thank you Mat." 

Mat runs downstairs and finds loads of empty boxes that he used when he moved into his new house, Mat folds up all of the boxes and puts them in his car. "(Y/N) are you ready to go?" Mat shouts up the stairs, "Yep ill be 2 seconds!" I say as I tie up my shoe laces. "Ill wait in the car!" just as Mat says that I run down the stairs "lets do this!!" I say excitedly. On the way there I text my landlord to tell him to meet me at the flat so that I can give him the keys back, 'Hi Barry! So sorry for short notice, but I'm moving out of the flat, so if you could meet me there so I can give you the keys back and so you can do your final inspection that would be great! Thanks, (Y/N)' Barry replies pretty quickly 'Hi (Y/N) yes of course! I'll be there is 20 minutes! See you then!' I smile at my phone, "My landlord is meeting us there" Mat looked even more excited "Thats great!" 

Less than a minute later we arrive at the car park of my apartment building, and my landlord is already there, as we park up Barry gets out of his car. I quickly get out to greet him, "Hi Barry this is Mathew, I'll be moving in with him!" Mat holds out his hand for Barry to shake, but Barry freezes "Hi Barry I'm Mat!" but Barry is still froze, Mat looks at me in confusion, "Your Mathew Baynton, my daughter watches you on TV all the time she's absolutely in love with you!" Mat looks at him a laughs, "That's cool! Well tell her I said hi!"  Barry doesn't say anything but he nods his head, he's clearly still in shock. "So are you two dating?" Barry says looking at me and Mat hold hands, Mat and I look at each other and Mat says "I guess we are dating? Do you want to date me?" 

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