Chapter 7

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As I walk back downstairs our food was ready, Mat was sitting and waiting, "sorry Mat, I didn't know you were waiting you could have started!" he looks at me and smiles "its fine my love! I've only just sat down." I smile as I sit next to him. "Mat?" he looks at me concerned "Yes my love?" I was still deciding wether or not to ask about the baby room, but I had to ask, "When I was walking to the bathroom I saw a baby room, what is it for? Are you actually dating someone?" he looked at me as if he was scared to tell me something, but then he smiled at me, "don't worry I'm not dating anyone, my ex-girlfriend had a child with me, but she didn't like that I was never at home because I had an acting job and I was never here for my daughter when she was a baby so she took my daughter and left a few months ago." he said trying to hold back his tears, I put my hand on his back and took his hand in my hand, I looked at him and kissed his cheek "I'm sorry I brought it up, I didn't mean to upset you." he looked at me and smiled and kissed my cheek, "it's fine, you were just curious, its not your fault" I pulled Mat in for a hug, when Mat had pulled himself together we ate our food. 

When we had finished our food, we went into his living room and watched a few films, I was snuggled in his arms the whole time, it was like heaven. He was so warm, and I never wanted to leave his side. When the third film finished I sat up and stretched, I kissed Mat, it was a long kiss this time, I climbed on top of his lap and kissed him softly. We watched another film and it was around 9pm by the time it finished so Mat insisted that I stayed at his house tonight, without hesitation I agreed to stay with him. 

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