Chapter 9

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Mat went over to his drawers and got a new pair of pyjama pants out, I was laying in bed waiting for him to get in, "come on Mat!" Mat looked at me a laughed "Im coming, I'm coming!" we laughed together, finally Mat got into bed, I snuggled into him and he wrapped his arms round me, he kissed my shoulder "good night (Y/N) I love you" I smiled "I love you Mat" 

The next morning I wake up and Mat isn't there, I look around the room, Then I heard something downstairs, I put on my fluffy socks I keep in my bag for emergencies, and I see Mat making breakfast, "good morning beautiful!" I smile at him still half asleep, "good morning handsome" I walk over to him and kiss him. Mat makes me a coffee, "there you go sweetie" I take the hot coffee and take a sip "thank you darling" he kisses my forehead. He puts my breakfast on the table, "here you go my love" I take another sip of my coffee "thank you!" 

Once we finished our breakfast Mat and I cleaned up, "You don't have to help me clean up you know, you can go have a shower!" Mat said, "No its fine you made the breakfast its only fair that I help you clean up" I say as Mat smiles at me, "I love you (Y/N) your so amazing" he says as he kisses me, his kiss makes me feel warm. When we are finished cleaning up, we both go upstairs to have a shower, Mat picks out an outfit for himself while I shower. When Im done in the shower I get a pair of leggings out of my bag, another thing I keep in my bag for emergencies, and Mat let me borrow another one of his hoodies. When Mat gets out of the shower he quickly gets dressed,  "Mat, could you take me home when you're ready please?" Mat looks at me looking a bit disappointed, "I wish you could stay forever, unless..." I look at him confused "unless what?" Mat looks at me excitedly and goes over to his bedside drawers, he comes back over to me with something in his hands "(Y/N)... will you move in with me?" he says as he holds out a set of his house keys...

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