Chapter 14

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Soon we arrive at Mat's house, he helps me out of the car and gets some boxes, he opens the door and puts the boxes in the hallway. I take all my clothes boxes upstairs, and start unpacking them, while Mat unpacks some of the boxes downstairs. When Mat has unpacked all the boxes downstairs he orders us some pizza and goes to find a bottle of wine. I quickly finish unpacking my clothes and go downstairs. "All done?" Mat says happily as he hands me a glass of wine, "yes finally done" I say taking a sip of wine, "good!" Mat says pouring himself a glass of wine, "Should we watch a film tonight?" Mat asks as he takes a sip of wine, "sure why not! Which film?" I say finishing off my wine. "How about Bill?" Mat chuckles, "weren't you in that film?" I laugh. "Indeed I was!" Mat laughs, "we can watch it if you want, but my favourite film is fifty shades of grey" I say, Mat looks at me and giggles, "what?" I say giggling with him, "nothing! I just didn't expect you to be into things like fifty shades!" He chuckles, I laugh as I sip my wine, "I really like the film!" Mat nods "okay we shall watch fifty shades of grey!" Then the doorbell rings, "the pizzas here! I'll go get it!" I say already half way out of the kitchen. Mat pours us some more wine, I walk back in with the pizza and put it on the counter, "should we sit it the living room with the pizza and watch the film?" Mat says, "okay!" I say picking up the pizza and Mat picking up the wine. When we get to the living room Mat puts fifty shades of grey on the tv, he picks up a pillow and accidentally throws it at my head "Im so sorry I meant to throw it on the other sofa!" Mat says laughing his head off, I stare at him, then pick the pillow back up off the floor and hit him on the head, hitting him on the head made him laugh even more, so I hit him again, then he picks up another pillow and hits me with it, this turns into a big pillow fight. But then Mat accidentally hit me and I fall off the sofa, I hit my arm on the table, "Oh shit! are you okay? Im so sorry!" he says concerned, "Im fine." I say trying to hold back my tears, he picks me up off the floor and kisses my arm, "does that feel better?" I smile at him, "I would feel better if you kissed my lips instead of my arm!" I giggle, he kisses me softly, he puts his hands on my cheeks, I climbed on top of him and put my arms around him, he picks me up and carries me up to our bedroom, when we get there he throws me on the bed and takes off his shirt...

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