Chapter 21

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When we arrive at the dress shop, we head inside, its so fancy, a man in a fancy suit heads over to us "Hello Mat! It's been a while how have you been?" The man says as he shakes Mat's hand, "Hello Juls! I know its been so long! This is my girlfriend (Y/N) we need a dress for her, we are going to a fancy dinner tonight!" Mat explains, "Okay... come with me darling! Mat you stay here!" Mat sits down and he is given a glass of champagne, "Darling, I think baby blue, would suit your figure nicely! and maybe a long sleeve?" I smile and nod, "whatever you think would be best!" he smiles as he gets a baby blue, long sheer sleeved, embellished dress, I smile at the dress, "what do you think?" Juls asks, "I-I love it! It's so beautiful!" Juls leads me to the dressing room, he hands me the dress, and a pair of silver glittery heels. A lady is waiting for me in the changing room to help me get into the dress, when I'm in the dress I cant stop looking at myself in the mirror, "what do you think?" the lady asks as she hands me the heels, "I love it!" I say as I put the heels on, "should we go show Mat?" she says as she opens the curtain, "yes!" I head out of the changing room and down the corridor to see Mat drinking champagne, I walk a little further down the corridor, he looks at me and smiles, "wow..." he says in shock, "how do I look?" I say hoping that Mat likes the dress, I'm absolutely in love with the dress, "wow... you look... absolutely... amazing!" Mat says speechless, I smile at him, "Thank you!" I look at Juls "so are you going to take the dress and heels?" Juls asks enthusiastically, I looks at Mat and smile, "Yes! I'll take it!!" Juls looks so excited, "lets get it bagged up then!" I go back into the changing room to get changed, Juls takes the heels and dress and bags it up, Mat pays for it. When I'm changed I head back outside, Juls hands me the bag, "here you go darling! Have a good day! And enjoy the evening!" I smile at him "Thank you! Let's go Mat!" I hold Mat's hand as we head out of the shop.

When we arrive back at home, it's almost 5pm, "we have to leave soon!" Mat says as he heads upstairs to find his suit, I follow him upstairs, "I'm going to have a shower before I do my make up!" I say as we walk into our bedroom, "I was going to have a shower!" Mat says, "we can share then!" I say as I head into the bathroom and turn on the shower Mat quickly takes off his clothes and gets into the shower, "that's so cold!" Mat says quickly getting out of the shower and grabbing his towel, "that's why I'm sorting out my makeup while I wait for it to warm up!" I say laughing at Mat. When I have finished sorting out my make up I put my hand in the shower to see if its warm, it's warm, so I get in, Mat quickly gets in too, "that's better!" Mat says happily, I laugh at Mat, I quickly finish using the shower so I get out, and do my hair and make up, when I've finished doing my hair and makeup Mat gets out of the shower, he goes into our bedroom, I follow him, he gets into his suit, and goes downstairs to put his shoes on and get a glass of water, I put on my dress, and get my silver clutch out of the closet, I get my clutch and my heels and go downstairs, Mat is ready and is waiting by the door, I put my heels on and put my phone and some money in my clutch, we head out the door, and get into the car, "are you ready?" Mat says excitedly, "Im ready! I'm really excited!" I say happily.

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