Chapter 17

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We soon arrive at the shop, I see a few people trying to take pictures of Mat, he takes a deep breath, and gets out of the car, he walks round to help me out of the car, when I get out I link arms with him, "people are taking photos of us." I say to Mat quietly, "just ignore them" Mat says quietly, there aren't a few people taking photos of us, and one person gets really close to me, I can see Mat getting annoyed at the people who are getting to close to me, "if they get too close one more time I will punch them." Mat says clearly annoyed, "no you won't, its fine! But if they get too close you can say something." I giggle, he laughs too but he's clearly still annoyed. We walk into the shop and the security guard sees us and nods his head, the security guard keeps the people out of the shop, "thanks mate!" Mat says happily. When we have finished shopping we make our way to the exit, when we get outside we see that people are still waiting for photos of Mat, luckily no one gets too close this time, we get in the car, "I love my fans, I really do but when I'm going grocery shopping I don't expect people get right in my face!" Mat says frustrated, "I know people are annoying, but just ignore them, let them take the photo and keep walking!" I says holding onto his hand, "I try to do that but people get in your face!" Mat rubs his eyes as if he were tired, "let's go home." I say. When we get home, Mat goes and makes us a drink and I put the shopping in the cupboards. When I have finished putting the shopping away, Mat finishes making the drinks and takes them into the living room, he sits on the sofa and a snuggle in next to him, "should we watch the film as we didn't get to watch it last night?" Mat asks as he sips his tea, "I don't mind, do you want to?" I say as Mat passes me my tea, "I asked if you to watch it!" Mat laughs, "I know and I said I don't mind!" I giggle, "We will watch it tonight instead?" Mat takes another sip of his tea, "Okay that's alright!" 

Meeting Mat BayntonWhere stories live. Discover now