Chapter 11

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I look at Mat "Y-Yes I will date you!" I hug him so hard he almost falls over, we laugh together, Barry clears his throat, "Okay lovebirds, should we start packing?" I smile at Mat "lets do it!! Im going to text my best friend Lelia to see if she can come over and help!" Mat smiles and nods his head "Good idea! the more people there are the quicker it will be!" I quickly text Lelia 'Hey babe! could you come over to my flat we are packing it up, I'm moving into Mat's house!! Xxx' I get a text back almost automatically 'Hey darling! yesss ill be there in literally 3 minutes! And I'm very happy for you two!!! Xx' I look at Mat "she's on her way!" Mat and Barry smile "great" Mat says happily.

When we get inside my flat Lelia arrives, Mat and Barry pack up my living room and kitchen and me and Lelia pack up my bedroom and bathroom, "So how long have you two been dating?" Lelia asks as she's taking a painting off the wall, "He asked me out just before you arrived this morning! But he didn't want me to live in a shitty flat so he asked me to move in with him earlier this morning!" Lelia jumps up and down like a little excited puppy, "That's so cute!!!!" I nod my head "I know he's amazing isn't he! I love him so much!" I say as I unpack my closet, then Mat walks in to my room and says "darling, we are finished packing the kitchen and living room" I look surprised as Lelia and I have only just finished clearing out my closet, "That's fine babe, could you and Barry come and help Lelia, I'll quickly pack up the bathroom!" Mat nods his head as he goes and gets Barry from the living room. I head into the bathroom and Mat follows me "I'll help you in here." I smile at Mat and kiss him.

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