Chapter 4

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The next morning I wake up bright and early, I walk to my kitchen to get my morning coffee, as I'm drinking my coffee my phone vibrates, it's a text from Mat! 'Hi (Y/N)! Are we still okay to meet today? Xxx' I quickly reply 'Morning Mat! Yes we are still okay for today! See you at 12pm xx' after sitting on my sofa for a few hours, I look at the time on my phone, its 9:30am, I should probably get ready, I think to myself as I turn off my tv and put my cup in the sink. I walk to my room and go to my cupboard to find a towel. I quickly wash my hair, then when I'm done I get out and go back to my room to get ready. When I'm dressed I sit at my vanity and dry my hair, when my hair is dry it normally goes really frizzy but today it went really curly instead! My hair is being good today, I giggle to myself. By the time I'm ready it's 11:45am, Mat should be here soon I think to myself, so I quickly tidy up my living room a bit. When i'm finished tidying it's 11:55am and I hear a car parking up outside, I look out my window and I see Mat getting out of his car, its a really nice car, and expensive one too! I mean I don't know why I'm surprised that Mat has an expensive car, I mean he has an amazing job. Mat rings the doorbell, I run to my front door and swing it open! I greet him with a warm smile as I say "Hi Mat!" Mat smiles at me and says "Hi (Y/N)! Are you ready to go?" I grab my bag from my kitchen counter "lets go!" I say excitedly.

When I get to his car he opens the door for me to get in "Your carriage awaits my lady!" he says jokingly, I giggle at him. Mat gets in the car and looks at me with a smile, "are we ready to go? Have you got everything?" I quickly look through my bag, "Yep, I've got everything!" he smiles as he starts up the car, "then let's go!" as he's driving he says "so, (Y/N) have you lived in that flat for a long time?" I look at him "I've lived around here all my life, but I moved out of my parents house about 3 or 4 years ago! Have you lived around here long?" He smiles "I also have lived around here all my life, but I moved into my current house last year!" I smile and nod my head, I don't really know what to say to him. After driving for about 30 minutes we finally arrive at the coffee shop, when Mat parks up, he gets out and walks around to my door and helps me out of the car, he holds out his hand, I take his hand and we walk into the coffee shop together.

Meeting Mat BayntonWhere stories live. Discover now