Chapter 24

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I have been living with Mat for 8 months now, and I'm 5 months pregnant! We are so excited to have our baby, today we are going to find out he babies gender! Mat's hoping for a boy, he says he wants a mini Mat around the house, Lelia is hoping for a girl, Lelia says she wants her to be a bridesmaid at her wedding, we called my mother and little sister to announce that I was pregnant, my little sister wants a niece and my mother doesn't mind! 

We have just finished our breakfast, Mat just went upstairs to get his phone, Im waiting by the door, Mat walks down the stairs, "you ready for this?" Mat says smiling at me, "as ready as i'll ever be." I say taking a deep breath as we head out of the door. The clinic we go to is a short walk away, I hold Mats hand because of how nervous I am, "its going to be fine!" Mat says excitedly, I look at him, "I hope it will be! I've made it to 5 months before and had a miscarriage, I don't want that to happen again!" I say as we walk into the clinic, "it will be fine!" Mat says as he sits down to wait for me to sign in, "all done, they told me to go to room 4!" Mat jumps out of his seat as he follows me down the corridor, "Lelia is meeting us here, she's planning to do a baby gender reveal party for us, so she's coming to pick up the results and is taking it to a shop to get a pink or blue confetti balloon!" I say getting excited over the idea of having a baby, "okay! So will we not know until later?" Mat asks, "no Lelia won't know either she's taking a piece of paper, you know the one I asked the nurse to write the gender of the baby on it!" I say as the nurse walks in, "Hello! are you excited for today? You're finding out the sex of the baby! Do you still want me to write it on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope?" The nurse asks, "Yes please! My friend is taking it to get a confetti balloon! And yes we are very excited!" I say enthusiastically.  The nurse turns the ultrasound on and I close my eyes, I can hear a heartbeat so that's a good thing, then I hear the nurse squeal a bit, "What?!" I say anxiously, "there's nothing wrong, I've just found out the gender!!" The nurse says excitedly, Mat doesn't look at the screen, he doesn't want to know the gender yet, I get really excited but I turn my head away from the screen, the nurse finishes the ultrasound and walks out to write on the piece of paper, she walks back into the room and hands me the envelope, "that's all done! Have an amazing day! And congratulations!" We smile at the nurse, "thank you so much!" I say as we walk out the door, Lelia messages me, 'I'm outside! Xx' I run outside to meet her, I give her the biggest hug, and I hand her the envelope, "Thanking you kindly, I shall see you later!" Lelia says getting into her car, me and Mat walk home, I go upstairs and put on my favourite white maxi dress, Mat waits downstairs, then Lelia texts 'Hey babes, the balloon is all done, I'll be at the park in half an hour! Xx' I get so excited and head downstairs, then I get a message from my little sister, 'me and mum will be at the park in 5 minutes, can't wait to see you! Xx' I smile at Mat, "Ready to go?" I say as I pick up my bag, "Im ready! Let me take your bag!" Mat says as he takes my bag, "thank you!" I say as I give him a kiss on the cheek. 

When we arrive at the park, we see our families waiting for us to arrive, when my sister sees me she runs over and gives me a massive hug, "I've missed you so much!!" My little sister says, "I've missed you too!!" My little sister hugs Mat, "hi Mat!!" Mat smiles at her, "hello darling!" Mat says happily, we walk over to our families, Mat's two older brothers and their children are here, Mat goes to talk to them, I go over and talk to my family. After a while Lelia arrives with the balloon, I run over to Lelia and take the balloon, I place it under a tree, Mat walks over to me and stands next to me, I put the balloon in the middle and give Mat a pin, everyone crowds around us. "Is everybody ready?!" I shout, everyone shouts in excitement, "3, 2, 1!!!" Mat and I shout, when we get to 1 we pop the balloon. we close our eyes, everyone screams happily, "we open our eyes in 3...2...1..." Mat says, we open our eyes... There is blue confetti on the floor... We are having a baby boy!!!  

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