Chapter 25 (Final chapter!!)

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It has been 5 years since I had moved in with Mathew Baynton, we are now married, I gave birth to our baby boy we named him Richard, Its Richards 5th birthday. When Richard was 2 I gave birth to our second baby, we named him Charles. Now we will never forget the first few words I said to Mat, (Chapter 2 recap! ' You played Dick Turpin and Charles II in horrible histories!') Mat and I couldn't be happier together, Lelia and Dan, her boyfriend, got married, however they divorced straight after their honeymoon, Lelia said she couldn't stay with him, she couldn't stand the way he didn't have a job and didn't even try to get one. Lelia started her own business, she got a lot of money! (Good for her!) Mat got an amazing acting job, he was away for 3 months, but we called any chance we could! He his the best dad to our children, Richard and Charles really look up to him, Richard wants to be an actor just like his dad. Charles is 3 at the moment, he his potty training, and he started going to a nursery, he looks so cute when he wears his school uniform, so does Richard... they both look great! Charles has all of Mat's features, he has beautiful brown eyes and beautiful brown hair, Richard has blue eyes like me, but dark brown hair like Mat. A few months ago Mat's ex girlfriend reached out to him and said that his daughter looked exactly like him, she wanted to see Mat, but Mat said that he hadn't seen his daughter for 5 years, and that he had to try to be better for his sons, his ex-girlfriend then 'okay then you don't have to see your daughter, I still want to see you ;)' Mat blocked her number so she couldn't contact him again. We are doing good, life is good...

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