Chapter 15

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"Well we did it again" Mat says breathlessly, I laugh while trying to catch my breath, "that was amazing!" I say snuggling into Mat's arms, Mat kisses my head. "Im going to go and eat our now cold pizza and finish off my wine!" Mat says as he gets out of bed and puts his trousers on. "Im coming too!!" I say quickly putting on Mat's hoodie. As I walk downstairs I see Mat in the kitchen heating up the pizza while drinking his wine, I go into the living room and get my glass of wine, then I head into the kitchen to get some pizza. When we have finished the pizza, we decide it's time to go to bed, "you can go to bed darling, I'll clear all this up!" Mat says happily, I smile at him, he clearly looked tired, "no it's fine i'll tidy up down here you go to bed, you look tired." I say to Mat, "thank you darling, ill see you in the morning." He says before giving me a kiss goodnight. I quickly tidy up the kitchen, while im tidying up I find a picture of Mat and his daughter, she was the cutest baby I have ever seen! I would ask Mat about her but his ex-girlfriend doesn't want him around, she said 'he was never around while she was born so why should he be around as she grows up?' Mat claims to not miss his daughter because as his ex-girlfriend said he was never around to properly see her, but I know that he misses her deep down. That's probably why he kept some of his daughters stuff, because he didn't want to accept the fact that he would never see her again! At that moment I feel quite bad for Mat but at the same time I knew it was none of my business, so I quickly put the picture of Mat and his daughter back where I found it and head up to bed. When I get to our room Mat has already fallen asleep, he's so cute when he sleeps, I get into my pyjamas, then I get into bed and snuggle into Mat's arms. 

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