♥︎Paul part.two♥︎

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I wake up the next morning with the sun shining on my face i groan turning over I cover my face with me pillow

"Y/n!"I hear my gran shout from outside my room i throw my pillow across the room i look at my alarm clock on my bedside table 13:22

"Crap!"I quickly get up i have a shower I get changed and blow dry my hair and brush it I walk down the stairs and open the wardrobe door leading Into the hall way

Yes my bedroom is the attic it's a one floored and bedroomed house
My room has a window so I still have sun light so I just made the attic my room (Picture at the top)


I'm sitting on my couch writing a new song I'm working on my gran went out for the day so I'm home alone
I hear a knock at the front door I put my note book down and open the front door to see Paul

"Hey Paul come in"I open the door wider for him to come in once he's in I close the door We sit in the living room
"So I was thinking we should do the tune for Movin and Groovin me and you are doing this one as a duet"
"Yeah okay"


It's the night of the gig I've been out a few times with the band getting to know them a little better but out of all of them Paul is the nicest and the sweetest he even got me a new strap for my guitar since it broke the other day he so charming

John's mum Julia got me a wonderful dress for the gig no ones seen it yet but me and her she's a very lovely lady me and her have been getting really close since she comes to all our practices she's really kind and just lovely she's like a mother and a best friend to me

John's mum Julia got me a wonderful dress for the gig no ones seen it yet but me and her she's a very lovely lady me and her have been getting really close since she comes to all our practices she's really kind and just lovely she's like a mother ...

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I walk out of the bathroom after getting changed into the dress I walk to backstage to the rest of the band
"When are we going on?"They all turn to me looking me up and down
"So is someone going to tell me or do I have to find out myself?"I ask picking up my guitar

"Uh...Five minutes"John answers rambling over his words
"Thank you"I say with a slight sarcasm in my tone I put the guitar strap over my shoulder my guitar hangs over my front
"You look beautiful"Paul says standing in front of me

"There for I have value?"
"No that's not what I meant at all I-"
"Paul I'm messing with you,Thank you"He sighs with a chuckle I giggle
"Your welcome,we're doing our duet last"I nod We start to walk up the stairs to the stage

We play some our songs
We finish a song the crowd clap Paul and John lean into the microphones
"Thanks guys"
"Thank you"John looks at Paul and me  then to the crowd
"Next we will play Moving and Grooving I present to you Mr Paul McCharmly and Miss Y/n Mcpretty"Paul leans over to the microphone

"Thanks John kind words"He says sarcastically I smirk
"I didn't mean them"John says acting like a dick that he is the crowd laughs I stand at Johns microphone once he steps back i start to strum

(For this scene Y/n-Paul,Paul-John)

We finish the gig and I'm outside my house I unlock the door and walk inside with a smile on my face I close the door
"Gran it was amazing!"I shout excitedly taking my shoes off

"There was so many people there it was bloody fantastic!"I walk into the living room seeing my gran on the floor I run over to her

"Gran! Gran wake up!"I lightly shake her shoulders I put my index and middle finger on her neck No pulse
"No,no no no!"I cry I run up to the phone and call the ambulance They come five minutes later

"I'm sorry ma'am but she's dead we can't save her I'm so sorry"They take her body and leave I heart broke after that sentence I have no one,no family no person that I can talk to-wait I do

I ring the person I need the most right now Paul
"Paul?"I sob with a shaky voice
"Y/n? Are you okay?what's wrong?"
"M..my gran she..she's dead"I sob
"I'm on my way"he hangs up I put the phone in it's holder I pace around the living room

a few minutes later
I hear the front door open and foot steps I turn to see Paul still in his outfit from the gig the next thing I know I'm in his chest with his arms around my waist and mine around his neck he rubs my back as I cry into his chest

"It's okay I'm here"he kisses the top of my head I pull away from him
"It's not Paul I have no family left I have no money to keep paying for this house I have no where to go"he puts his hands on my shoulders

"You can live with me if you want? I have a place down town"
"I can't do that to you Paul I won't let myself barge in your house and live there"
"You won't be barging in Y/n I'm asking you to stay with me you won't have to pay any rent or do the shopping okay? I'll do all that"

"You'd do that for a girl who's crying like a baby"I whisperer wiping the tears from my eyes looking away from him
"I would do anything for you"He whisperers I look up at him
"Really?"He softly smiles

"Yeah,yeah I would Y/n I can't see you like this again because it just kills me"I smile I lean up and kiss him he doesn't kiss back at first but falls into it I put my hand on the back of his neck pulling him closer we pull away breathing heavily

"I know you have a lot going on right now and this probably isn't the right time to tell you this but I'm going to away.....Y/n I love you"I smile
"I love you too Paul"His eyes slightly widen

"Bloody hell Really?"I giggle
"Yeah Really"He smile and pulls me into another kiss

Should I do another part for this one?

Sorry I haven't been updating lately I've been busy with other things but I'll try to update as much as I can シ

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