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This one was requested by (SheilaCrystall)(This symbol ✍︎︎ is time skip)

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This one was requested by (SheilaCrystall)
(This symbol ✍︎︎ is time skip)

I sat on my hospital bed listening to the Beatles and writing down in my writing book

A nurse comes in with a boy that had a hat on the top of his head he wears one of the hospital gown similar to mine when I got here

he sat in the bed across from me our bed's placed in front of the big window I look back to what I was writing forgetting the new patient I sat doing this for an hour I put my note book away in my top drawer and look out the window watching the busy car park below the next song comes on 'Here comes the sun' I silently sing along with it

"What are you listening to?"I hear someone faintly say I take out one of my ear pieces and look at the new boy

"Sorry what?"I ask he looks up from his sketch book

"What are you listening to?"I pause my music from my crappy phone
"Uhm kinda old school but the Beatles I just kinda like the tunes"he smiles

"I guess they're all right"

"What do you listen to?"I question
"Just anything I think is good"

"I'm Y/n"I tell him with a small smile

"Donald"I look at his sketch book

"What are you drawing?"He looks down at his book
"Just Uh just doodles"
"Can I see them?"

"Um yea-yeah sure"he waits for me to get up so I point to my legs
"I can't get up,I've been captured by the weak legs monster"He chuckles getting up walking over to my bed

I shuffle over a little so he can sit next to me he hands me his sketch book I look through the pages

"These are really good,Is it a story?"
"You can say that it just expresses what I'm feeling"I nod I go to turn to the next page but he stops me putting his hand over mine

"Not that page...sorry I didn't mean to do that"I smile handing him his sketch book back

"No worries,what are you here for anyways? You don't need to tell me if you feel uncomfortable"He shakes his head

"I have terminal cancer so I have to stay here for a few months for treatment,why are you here? If you don't mind me asking"

"I have a muscle cancer that um that makes my legs weak so I can't really walk probably so I pretty much live in this bed"I wipe away a tear that I didn't realise fell

"I'm sorry I shouldn't of asked if it was gonna make you cry"I slightly smile

"Your really sweet,but it's okay nothing much I do about it anyways I might as well get used to it"

"That's what I tell my mum about my cancer I'm just getting used to it now"
"I guess we have stuff in common"

"I guess we do"My nurse Jane comes in she's my favourite nurse I've had her since I came her about four months ago
"Hey Y/n you ready for your training?"
"Ready as I'll ever be"She helps me into my wheelchair

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