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I'm sitting in the couch with my 6 month baby Stella in my arms and watching my 12 year old twins play the VR they're doing a scary clown game that I bought for them
My son Lewis screeches as the clown jumps out in front of his face

"Bloody hell!"He shouts taking the head set off me and my daughter laugh
"It's not funny!"I stand up handing Stella to Kira

"I have an idea pass oh and it was funny"he hands me the head set I go onto the game store and buy a new VR game
"Oh dad's gonna shit his pants!"My daughter Kira exclaims

"Yep,watch your language missy"
"Sorry mum"
"I'm home!"I hear Samual shout from the front door

I quickly switch the game so he won't see what I just got he comes into the living
"Hey Sammy! I just got a new game it's a Phantom halo one we wanted you to try it first"I take his arm pulling him to the front of the TV

"A Phantom halo one?"I nod
"Right close your eyes"He closes his eyes I put the head set on him I see Lewis smirking and Kira holding back her giggles I put the game on and press play I take Stella out Kiera's hand

"Samual open your eyes it's started just follow what's it's telling you"Me and the twins sit on the couch watching Samual look around
"This doesn't look like Phantom halo, love"

"Trust me it is, it's just a introduction to the game,honey"
"Oh"He move in the game and comes to a door
"I don't want to go in the door"Samual whines

"It's part of the game Sammy"He sighs opening the door a massive spider swings in front of him he screams like a girl jumping up and down

"Ahh Spider! Go away!"Me and the twins laugh he pauses the game seeing the game title he takes off the head set
"This is not bloody Phantom halo!"
"We know dad we're not silly like you"Lewis says we laugh at the unhappy Samual

"I'll get you guys back for this just you wait"He walks up the stairs

Samual POV

It's been about a month since they pranked me and today's the day I get them back It's about nine a clock at night and I'm going to pretend I go to the pub
"Love,that's me off I'll be back tomorrow morning"

"Okay honey be safe,okay?"she gives me a small kiss before I walk out the door 'heading to the pub'

I wait about an hour around the corner of our house I put a clown mask on and sneak through the living room window that I left open so I can get in

I hear the tap on in the kitchen meaning
Y/n doing the dishes I quietly shut the window sneaking to the corner at the kitchen door I stomp once on the floor and lean against the wall

"Hello?"I hear Y/n start to walk towards me I jump out making her scream she punches me in the face
I groan holding my cheek where she punched me

"Sam?"she pulls the mask off
"what the hell Y/n"I whine
"What the hell Y/n?! What the hell Sam! Are you trying to get a divorce?"
"What no of not! I was getting you back for the VR game"

"And you had to scare me by thinking someone broke into the house! you're lucky I didn't have a knife in my hand I could've killed you"
"What's going on?"Kira comes to the kitchen door

"Your father thought it would be a great idea to try and scare me by sneaking into the house with a clown mask on"Y/n explains Kira rolls her eyes
"Of course he would,I'm guessing from the VR game prank,am I right?"

"Maybe"I mumble They sigh
"Right go back to bed Kira me and you're father need to talk"Kira leaves leaving me and a very unhappy wife
"Samual sit"she points to the couch


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