Stripper waitress-Benny pt.1

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I'm talking to my friend Danny who is the bartender of the place

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I'm talking to my friend Danny who is the bartender of the place

"Y/n I want you to hand out these drinks at table four"Danny tells me handing me a tray of beers

"Hey Rebecca you on the poles today"I ask my friend who walked past me
"Of course I need those dolla bills"She giggles

"See ya later"she walks off into the curtains

Yes I work at a strip club I don't really like showing most of my body to horny drunken men but it pays for my rent and my meals

"All right"I walk up to table four who sat three guys laughing and smoking cigars
"Well thank you pretty thing"One of the men smacks my ass as I place their drinks on the table

"Your welcome Sir"I sarcastically smile And walk away I put the tray down on the bar counter Danny comes over to me cleaning a cup with a cloth

"Arse smackers on table four"I tell him
"Doesn't surprise me..oooh I think table twelve likes you"He nods his head to the table

I turn seeing a man probably about mid twenties with a cowboy hat on the top his head and a long leather jacket around his shoulders he was looking at me with a beer in his hand he flashes me a small smile before I turn around again

"I'll see you tomorrow Danny"I lean over the counter and picking up my handbag
"Bye Y/n"He said turning away I walk over to the coat rack and pick up my black jacket

"Hi"A males voice comes from behind me I turn seeing the man from table twelve
"Hi"I pull my jacket on

"I'm Benny Watts,US chess champion"He introduces himself

"Do you always say the chess champion at the end of your name?"

"Well who would know me if I didn't"
"You mean you want girls to think your some big celebrity with a bunch of money"He chuckles

"What's your name?"I put my handbag on my shoulder
"I'm not some Chess champion so you wouldn't care"

"So you think I think your some stripper"I laugh dryly

"I'm not a stripper"
"You work in a strip club"

"Yes as a waitress not a stripper,big difference"I open the door

"Okay if your not a stripper why the little fishnet dress and your panties and tiny crop top covering your goods"
"It's what I'm made to wear"

"So you are a stripper then?"I scoff
"What did you want i kinda want to go home"

"Are you going to tell me your name or.."
"I'm Y/n"

"Well Y/n,Take this and use it"he shoves a piece of paper in my hand and walks past me out the door I open the crumpled up piece of paper written was a line of numbers

his phone number...

I put the paper in my pocket and leave the club I walk down the near empty streets to my little two roomed apartment I chuck my bag onto the couch and take my shoes and jacket off

I lock the door behind me I go to walk into my bedroom but my phone stuck out at me it's placed next to my bedroom door I groan and take the paper out my jacket and type the numbers into the phone I place it up to my ear the rings stops and a voice comes from it

"Hello?"Its Benny
"Hi"he chuckles
"Well isn't it the Stripper waitress"

"Again not a stripper but yes it is"I smile
"I knew you'd phone"I hear a small click from his side of the phone
"You did?"

"Yes because you can't resist me"I scoff and again another click
"I can resist you I could hang up right now and never call again but I know you'd phone again cause You can't resist me"I can tell that he's smirking and another click that's starting to get on my nerves now

"Your right I can't resist you that's why I gave you my number"

"What is that clicking sound?"I finally ask
"It's a chess piece that I just moved,Why?"

"Because it's annoying and anyway why did you want to call me? I'm just a stripper waitress aren't I?"I smirk he chuckles on the other side of the phone

"I like you,your funny and hot,why wouldn't I call?"He told me

"What about you and I go out for lunch tomorrow let's one"He chuckles
"Where about? The bar?"I smirk
"If you'd like"

"It's a date see you tomorrow then"
"Yeah Bye"I said with a smile
"Bye Darling"The line goes silent I put the phone back onto its hold and take a deep breath and let it out

"Yes! I've got a date tomorrow!"I say to myself....

I've never been on a date before....Shit

I'm going to do a part two soon soo...yeah
(Wow I'm so awkward)


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