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I open my locker taking out my Spanish book
"Y/n you really need to get a date for the prom"My best friend Kaya says leaning on her locker that's next to mine

Kaya is one of the popular girls not like the bitchy ones who think they run the place but the nice ones she's been my friend since primary school we're like this iconic duo like Rachel and Monica

'I'm her Monica and she's my Rachel'

that's what i like to say it's our thing anyway she's got a boyfriend Dylan they've been together for two years now since they are together I met his band mates Yeah

They've got a band they are really good as well Me and Kaya like to listen to them play in Dylan's garage
Dylan plays the drums Will plays the keyboard Thomas plays Bass Ki Hong also plays Bass

I may have a teeny weeny crush on Thomas not to major but Kaya makes fun of it I'm not sure how she found out but she did and she doesn't stop talking about it making me like him a bit more each day

"Who even said I was going to prom"
"Uh Me,please come I need my bestie to dance like crazy with"I chuckle shutting my locker

"You know, dancing,loud music and a lot of people well people in general is really not my thing, Right?"She shakes her head
"Please come,I'll do anything I'll get you anything considering I'm rich I'll even ask Thomas out for you"I roll my eyes

" don't need to say you're rich I already know two.Stop talking about Thomas three.Will you get me a new Camera?"She quickly nods I sigh
"Fine I'll go"She sequels jumping up and down
"But I'm not taking you home because it ended badly last time when you were drunk"Last time Kaya went to a party while I was at home on my comfy bed watching Netflix shows you should really wat-

Okay I'm going off topic here she got drunk and threw up on my brand new car

"yeah I'm not doing that again"She giggles I laugh we start to walk to our next class which is shitty bitty Spanish
"Okay meet me at my car we're going somewhere after school"Before I could ask where she runs off to her next class I walk into Spanish and sit in my seat letting myself get ready for the hour of torture

After school

I walk out to Kaya's car seeing her on the phone she spots me as I'm a few meters away
"bye!"She says quickly hanging up on who ever she was talking too and turns her attention to me

"Who was that?"
"Oh that was just Uh..My mum asking if..I was going out after school which I am so You getting in the car?"She opens her car door
"Do I have a choice?"She laughs getting in the drivers seat

"Nope"I go around the other side and get in she drives into the shopping centre car park
"What are we doing?"she turns off the engine
"Going dress shopping duh!"She gets out the car I sigh putting my bag in the back seat before getting out the car shutting the door behind me

"Let's go!"She says in a singy voice hooking our arms together We get to Primark we go onto the escalator going to the next floor
"I've got you a date"Kaya says out of the blue

"It better not be some random football (Soccer) player that I have no idea who they are"She laughs
"I guess you'll have to wait and see"
After what feels like for ever I'm in the changing room with one dress that didn't look half bad I put it on

"Come out Y/n i want to see it! You've been in there for ten minutes come out"I hear Kaya say from the other side of the curtain
"I don't think I want to"I hear her sigh
"Y/n come on Please"
"Just don't laugh at me okay you know I don't like dresses"

"I won't laugh"I sigh before opening the curtain I gasp when I see Dylan
"Well well well look who finally came out the closet"Dylan jokes
"It's not funny Dylan"I cross my arms over my chest

"Okay I'm sorry you look very nice"I roll my eyes
"You're just saying that because you don't want a slap in the head from Kaya"He scoff while laughing a bit
"What no! thats absurd"one on of my eyebrows crook up

"I'm telling the truth you do look nice"
"Yes you look beautiful you're getting it and I'm paying get changed"

I get home unlocking the door with a bag in my hand with the dress and a pair of navy blue flats and a navy blue cardigan
My phone dings I look at the text it's from Kaya

Ma Rachel-You're date is going to pick you up on Saturday taking you to the prom

Me-Okay will I get to know who will be picking me up?

Ma Rachel-nope sorry Mon you'll just have to wait I've got to go do my nighttime routine Goodnight

Me-Night Rach

Saturday Prom night
I put my cardigan on I hear a knock at the front door I walk over to the door opening it


"Thomas?"We both say at the same time
"What are you doing here?"I ask
"Picking up my date for prom,what are you doing here?"
"I live here....did Kaya tell you to come here?"

"She gave me this address and told me this was where my date lives..."

"You're my date?!"We both say

"Well I guess we should start going or Kaya's going to kill me"I pick up my keys
"Yeah Dylan wants me there in a few minutes"I close the door locking it behind me We get in Thomas's car we sit in silence

"You look really beautiful"I look over to him
"Thank you,you look good too"

The music is loud really loud and I'm just sitting across from Thomas us both watching other couples dance
"You want to dance?"Thomas asks he's standing in front of me

"I don't really dance it's not my thing"I take a drink of the cup of water I have a slow song comes on 
"Can I have at least one dance with my date?"I sigh looking up at him
"Okay"I take his hand he smiles leading me to the dance floor he puts his arms around my waist

"Where do I put my arms?"He chuckles moving my arms around his neck and moving his arm back to my waist we start to sway to the music
"Can I tell you something?"He asks looking into my eyes

"Yeah,sure go ahead"
"I like you more than a friend"I smile my cheek redden
"I like you too Tommy"he looks down at my lips before I knew it he kisses me and I happily kiss back

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