♥︎Benny Watts part.2♥︎

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I pour the boiling water into the mug
"Hey,do you want a coffee?"i look over my shoulder looking at Benny as his long slender fingers moves a pawn his thin top open showing his boney but toned chest

I feel my cheeks burn not from the hot stem that came from the kettle but from his amazing body I've maybe got a slight crush on him since my shift at the diner

"Like what you see?"I look up from his body to his face which has a cocky smirk
"What?"I ask trying to forget the embarrassment that screams through my body I fully turn facing his direction
Setting the kettle down as I do so

"I asked you if you like what you see?"He's now slowly walking over to me
"W-what do you mean I-I don't know what your on about Benny"my breath gets caught in my throat

"I mean we've been stuck here for a week in this small cosy apartment because of the terrible weather you wearing my clothes that are three times your size we have to share my bed together and you being so kind is all to much for me to comprehend my mind racing wondering if maybe you like me just as much as I like you,so let me know if you like what you see"he whisperers the last part His body now lightly pressed up against mine his hot breath ticking my face

"Maybe you might want to stop wondering"One of his eyebrows crook up
"Hmm really how so?"He puts his hand on the counter next to my hip I lean up to his ear

"Because I do like what I see"I whisperer my lips brushing against his ear lob I pull away looking at his flushed cheeks I smirk
"So do you want that coffee?"I turn around my back to his front pretending to forget what just happened

"A-Uh a coffee would be great"He slips his arms around my waist
"Good"I pour the water into another mug I feel his lips kissing my neck
"Benny,w-what are you doing?"I put the kettle down he hums into my neck
"Just getting used to how it feels, darling"He says in a low tone pulling away from me completely

"Oh..."Is all I could bring myself to say I finish making the coffee I take a deep breath calming myself
"You're coffee's done"I put the coffee in front of him as he's now sitting at the table again with a cigarette between his lips yet to still be lightened

"Thanks darling"he smirks up at me as I sit down in the seat across from him drinking my coffee

Half an hour later

"Can I ask you something?"I look up from the book I was reading from his small bookshelf

"Go ahead"I wait as he takes a deep breath
"Do you maybe wanna date?,it's all right if you don't want to"
"Like a dinner date or actually date?"
"Maybe both"He blushes

"I'd love that"He smiles sighing in relief
"That's what I wanted to hear"
"You didn't think I would date you?"I ask one of my eyebrows crook up
"Well,I Uh I don't know I guess I was just nervous about if you said no"

"Aw was little Benny Watts nervous?"I cooed
"You make me nervous Y/n ever since I met you at the diner my heart feels like it's going to fly out my bloody chest"I giggle a smile comes into his lips

"You make me feel all these different things not like bad feelings but wonderful feelings"
"You like me"A confused frown replaces the smile
"How'd you know?"I laugh through my nose

"All them things you said all a sign of you liking someone Benny,have you not like someone before?"He shakes his head
"I'm guessing Chess has taken over your life to much to really see anything but chess,like girls or music or the world"
"I've been around the world all have you know"he says with a pout

"To go to a chess tournament I'm guessing"He thinks for a moment before sighing
"Okay maybe your right chess has taken over my mind"

"Well maybe there's something that can change that"he smiles
"Oh yeah what's that?"He leans on the table a little

"I think you know Benny,but I'll tell you"He nods
"Me,Am I right?"I move some hair out his face His Adam's apple goes up then down again I smirk

"Y-yes"I smile
"That's good well I'm going to have a shower"I get up walking over to our bedroom I grab one of Benny's clean tops and my pair of shorts

I walk over to the small bathroom
"Mind if I join you? Ya know saving water and stuff"He leans on the bathroom door frame with a smirk
I take ahold of his arm pulling him into the bathroom closing the door


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