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I walk into the small shop Mr Lee sitting behind the glass window half asleep I walk down the isle I look at the Sweets/Candy section I look around me making sure no ones looking and put two (Favourite Candy/Sweet) in my coat pocket I walk down the back isle and put a (Favourite drink) in my other pocket I walk to the front of the shop

"You didn't have what I needed"I say to Mr Lee opening the door he nods with his eyes close I walk out the store down the street I see a Gorgeous lanky blonde haired boy picking up money

I shrug I walk into someone sneakily taking their wallet
"Watch it!"He shouts

"Sorry"i look over at the boy before he was already looking at me with his eyebrows scrunched together
I put my finger up to my mouth
'shh-ing' him I look away and walk down the street to my one story shitty house I walk up the steps

"Miss Y/n"Mrs Martin says from behind me she's an old lady that carries her white cat everywhere and who I 'pay' my rent to I internally groan and turn around with a fake smile

"Mrs Martin how lovely to see you"
"Where's your rent?"
"Oh I am so sorry my mom just recently got diagnose with breast cancer and she couldn't afford her treatments so I gave her the rest of my money"I say with a fake tear coming down my cheek

"Oh I'm sorry dear you pay when you can,have a good day"she turns and walks away with her cat in her hands
I smirk and turn around I was to open my door

"Miss?"I sigh and turn around once more to see the Blonde boy from earlier
"Your the boy from down the street aren't you?"

"Yeah...Why'd you steal that mans wallet"
"What are you a police officer or something?"he chuckles and shakes his head

"No I'm not a police officer"
"Well...why are you here?"
"Oh right I'm Samuel"he holds out his hand
"I'm Y/n"I shake his hand I pull away dropping my hand to my side
"Do you live alone?"
"Why do you ask?"

"I'm sorry that was rude of me"
"No no it's fine and yes I do live alone my father left me when I was born and my mother died when I was ten"
"My mother died to a few years ago and my dad died recently"

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that Samual"
"You can call me Sam if you'd like"I nod
"So uh what are you going to do now?"I wonder He sighs

"I'm about to leave with my bother to start a new life somewhere that's not here"
" then why are you here With me?"his mood changes in a nervous state

"I Have seen you around for a few years now and I never had the guts to tell you that I am completely in love with you"I was taken back I mean I only just meet him I don't three minutes ago and now he's saying he's in love with me...

"I was wondering if you wanted to come with us it's fine if you don't but maybe you could you have to worry about paying the rent and saying your mothers got breast cancer"
"Oh you heard that huh?"

"Yeah...I don't want you to live like that your whole life I've been there stealing not paying your would you take my offer and come with me?"
I mean I have nothing to lose my mother died in this house my father left to god knows where I have no one left and quite frankly he's right I won't have to lie about my life but I could start a new one with this beautiful kind heart boy

"I'll come with you....just let me get a few things"He smiles widely
"Yeah yeah okay..oh my gosh you get get your things I'll wait here"I smile and unlock my door I go inside and take my bag back from under my bed I pack what I need clothes.etc I put my comic 'The Phantom Halo' in as well

I zip up my bag and walk to the door Sam sitting on the stairs looking out to the road I shut my door getting his attention
"You ready to go love?"I put the key down on the floor

"Ready as I'll ever be I guess"he holds out his hand with a smile plastered on his face I take his hand returning the Smile a car pulls up at the end of the drive the window goes down

"Sam you got your 'Love of your life' Yet?!"He shouts Sam rolls his eyes and leads us to the car
"For the matter of fact I do.Beckett,Y/n
Y/n,Beckett my brother"

"Nice to meet you"I say as me and Sam get i the back seat still holding hands we start to drive down the road
"I've heard a lot about you 'Oh Beckett I've seen the most beautiful girl ever'"he Mocks I giggle

"He never stops talking about you
I hope you can make him happy you've had a hard life haven't you mate"he looks in the mirror looking at Sam
"Yeah I guess so"he takes out a comic from the clove compartment I look at the cover 'The Phantom Halo'

"Oh I love this comic it's my all time favourite look I have my own"I take my comic out of my bag and show him he smiles
"It's my all time favourite too"we smile at each other

"All right love birds where are we headen?"we look at each other
"New York?"Sam suggests I nod
"New York here we come"

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