Sam.Last part(love actually)

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10 years later

I put the dirty washing in the washing machine turning it on I hear the familiar sound of the door unlocking I look at the door seeing my husband Sam

"Daddy!"My five year old daughter Julia comes running from the living room jumping into his open arms he spins her around I lean again the wall in front of them

"I missed my little girl!"He kisses her head
"I missed you too Daddy"He sets her down and she runs back to the living room he holds out his arms looking at me

I smile hugging him i put my head on his shoulder I kiss his neck he rocks us side to side
"I missed you Baby"He kisses my temple
"I missed you too,Love"
"How was the band trip?"

"It was okay I guess but now I'm home and I don't have to go to any other gigs for four months so I have time with my beautiful Wife and daughter and my little boy"he holds my stomach
"He missed you,he's been kicking for his Daddy"he smiles

"Has he?,Do you know what Julia wants for her birthday yet?"
"Yep he has and We went shopping yesterday she said she wanted a dolls house"he nods as he picks up his bags we walk into the kitchen

"I already bought it it's in our bedroom but you need to build it I got a few other things for her as well"
"Okay I got us dinner"he holds up a bag with Chinese in it he puts it on the dining room table that's in the middle of the kitchen

"Well aren't you the best husband ever"I put my hand on his chest giving him a sweet kiss he happily kisses me back
"Daddy look what I made for you!"Julia comes running over handing him a picture
"Look that's you and me,that's mummy and little Daniel in mummy's tummy!"She points to the picture

"It's beautiful Julia I'm going to put it on the fridge look"He puts the picture under a magnet He picks her up booping her nose she giggles

"Right let's eat and then it's time for you beddy time"He sets her down in her chair that has a buster seat on it for her to reach the table

We eat dinner I clean the dishes while Sam's putting Julia to bed I go to our bedroom trying to find a top to wear to bed none of them fit around my baby bump I groan throwing the top back in the wardrobe

"Love,what's wrong"I look over to the door seeing Sam leaning on it
"Can I borrow one of your shirts"
"Yeah of course,put on one of my shirts while I build this dolls house thing"I giggle he smiles kissing my cheek I take one of his tops putting it on I sit on my side of the bed reading one of my books

"That doesn't bloody go there!"I look up from my book looking at Sam he's sitting on the floor with his legs crossed his top abandoned on the floor and the instructions and the house in front of him I think he's making the furniture

"It doesn't fold that way!"I watch him rubbing his face in announce I stand up going over to him I rub his shoulders I look at the instructions over his shoulder then to the cardboard couch in his hand

"Sammy baby the couch is upside down"I take the small couch from his hand flipping it the right way handing it to him
"Oh...well that makes it easier"He
chuckles I kiss his cheek before sitting back on the bed I put my book away turning off my bedside lamp Sam's one still on the only light in the room I turn onto my side closing my eyes

Sam's POV

Finally the dolls house is done
Julia better like it I look at the alarm clock on my bedside table
It's bloody one a clock in the morning!
Since when!? I've been doing that house for four hours!

I rub my face I look at my sleeping wife
Y/n her hair lying against the pillow her breaths slow and easy her baby bump poking out of the blanket I smile taking my jeans off I turn off my lamp I get under the covers wrapping my arm around Y/n spooning her I nuzzle my face into her neck

"You okay Baby?"I hear Y/n mumble she carefully turns facing me making sure not to hurt Daniel or herself her eyes still closed my arm still around her waist
"I guess"I whisperer

"Sammy,it's just a dolls house,okay? You managed to finish it so don't worry about it"she puts a hand on my cheek caressing it I sigh
"Do you want to feel Little Daniel? He's been looking for you"she opens her eyes a little looking into mine

I nod moving my hand onto her stomach I feel him kicking my hand I smile looking at Y/n she kisses my bare chest before closing her eyes again
"Goodnight Love"I whisperer letting go off her stomach she nuzzles into my chest before we fall into a deep slumber


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