Sam(Love actually)

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Third person POV
"Honey come out for dinner!"Her mum shouts from the other side of her door
"Read the sign!"Y/n shouts before turning up the music
She reads the sign 'I'm not hungry' in big letters on the white bored hanging from her door
"Honey come on!"
"No!"She continues to play the music
Her mother sighs and looks at a picture on the wall of Y/n and her and husband
"She takes that from you"She points to her husband before walking down stairs

This is it,the day that I sing in the Christmas show I have practice non stop for two weeks I haven't been so nervous in my life My mum told me that Sam doesn't know that I'll be singing but he's going to be playing the drums I hope he's good
My mum parks the car outside of the school I see no one in sight 

"I am so proud of you honey and I'm sure your father is too you have been practicing so hard these past few weeks I couldn't be more proud of my little girl"She hugs me

"Right,now I've said that you better go in there and sing your arse off"I laugh
"All right let's do this"i high five her and get out the car i close the door walking towards the school my mum comes to me side and try's to wipe my hair down I swat her hand away

"I'm fine mum"she squints her eyes
I sigh
"Fine bloody sort it then"she smiles satisfied and puts a few hairs behind my ears as we walk through the door I hear the last few lines of the show being said
"We need to be quick"we jog through the school to backstage I see the teacher pacing back and forth

"Okay your here Uh you'll be going on in two minutes,okay?"I nod as my mum takes my jacket he picks up the microphone and walk onto the stage
"I'm gonna go to my seat okay honey?"
"Yeah okay"She kisses my cheek and walks away

The teacher talks to the crowd I hear him say my name and a few more things
"Right walk onto the stage"One of the crew members whisperers to me I take the microphone from him and walk onto the dark stage

a few seconds later a light beams down on me I can see the whole crowd I see my mum sitting in her chair I gulp I look at the chair next to her to see my Dad smiling at me he puts his thumbs up I smile taking a deep breath I start to sing

"I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you"
The lights come on,on the stage and music starts to play meaning Sam playing the drums

"I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
And I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree"i start to dance on the stage my dress moving with me

"I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you
You, baby"I dance over to the other side of the stage while boys dance around me I hear the crowd clap along
"Oh, all the lights are shining so brightly everywhere
And the sound of children's laughter fills the air
And everyone is singing
I hear those sleigh bells ringing
Santa, won't you bring me the one I really need?
Won't you please bring my baby to me?"I hit the high note on 'me'

"Oh, I don't want a lot for Christmas
This is all I'm asking for
I just wanna see my baby
Standing right outside my door
Oh, I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
Baby, all I want for Christmas... is you"I turn around and point to Sam on
'You' he smiles I turn around
"All I want for Christmas is you"I finish the song every one claps and cheers

I turn around to see the prime Minister kissing a girl everyone stops cheering the prime minister smiles and waves to the crowd then walks off I walk down to my mum she meets me half way and hugs me
"That was amazing sweetheart"she pulls away

"Thank you"I look around for Sam but don't see him anywhere I frown
"Let's go home mum"She frowns and rubs my back
"Okay honey"We walk to the car I climb in and we start to drive home

Sam's POV
My dad comes through the door
"Sammy fantastic show!"he speed walks over to me
"Classic drumming!"
"Thanks the plan didn't work though"
"Tell her then"

"Tell her that you love her"
"No way anyway she'd be gone by now"
"Even better Sam you've got nothing to lose you'll regret it if you don't"He crouch's down in front of my holding my shoulders

"I never told your mother enough I should've told her every day because she was perfect every day you've seen the films kiddo it ain't over till it's over"I smile while nodding

"Okay dad let's do it let's go get the shit get kicked into us by love"He smiles and we do our hand shake
"Just give me one second"I walk away and give back my drum sticks
I walk back to my dad seeing him talk with another woman

"Okay let's go"He talks to the woman I smile at my friend next to her they walk away me and my dad walk to the door
"Tell her"
"You know"I mock kissing sounds
"Don't be such an arse"he puts me in a head lock he let's go when we get to the main doors

I see Y/n getting in her car
"There she is"
"Over there"we see her close her door
"Oh no"she starts to drive away
"It's okay we'll go to her house"We run to the car we drive along the road to her house I run up to her door and knock on it

In sitting on my bed I still have my dress on not bothering to get changed with a tub of ice cream watching a movie i hear a knock from the front door I put my tub of ice cream down and wipe my face

"I'll get it!"I shout going down the stairs I unlock the door only opening it enough to look out I see the love of my life in front of me
"Sammy?"I open the door wider
"What are you doing here?"I question putting a lose hair behind my ear
"I...I uh"He looks behind him to his dad his dad puts his index finger up Sam looks back at me

"Well for a while n-well Actually since we met I have fallen completely In love with you"I stand there in shock
"Your laugh your smile,Hair...eyes, when you twirl your hair around your finger when your consenting or even when you kick my butt in Mario cart"I giggle he smiles

"I love everything about you Y/n and I never will stop loving you so I'm here and I'm going to ask a question....
Do you love me?"I stare at him not knowing what to say I mean I love him very much and he's told me he loves me is this a dream? Am I dreaming?
I blink looking at the Sandy blonde haired boy In front of me

"Yes"I say just above whisperer my cheeks turn hot even from the cold air blowing my face my cheeks were burning A smile appears on Sams face
"Well uh I guess I have one more question,Do you want to be my love?"I nod a smile cropping up onto my lips he steps forward

"Can I kiss you?"I nod he leans forward connecting our lips his Lips are soft and his fit perfectly with mine
We pull away and smile at each other

Should I do a part where it's years later?
It's up to you 😌

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