Samuel Epilogue

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Three years later

I stand on the balcony of our two bedroom apartment looking up to the lit up city of New York I watch as cars go down the streets
the sky dark the moon peeking over the tall buildings

I feel two arms sneak around my waist
And a chin on my head
"You okay love?"I hear a tired Samual whisperer
"Yeah I'm okay baby,just this little one keeps moving around"he turns me around and crouches down in front of my stomach

"You better be behaving for your mommy little Sammy"
"Or a little Y/n,baby"he looks up at me
"Yeah you're right I would like a little girl"he sprays kisses my stomach I giggle
"Come on let's go back to bed"he says before picking my up bridal style and carrying me to our shared bed
I lie my head on his chest while he holds my hand

"I'm so lucky I have the most beautiful person ever"
"If you want to kiss me Samual then just do it"he tilts my head up to face him
"Okay"he leans in passionate kiss

A year and a half later

"Come on Lilly you can do it walk to daddy"Sam Coos as I watch my one year old daughter try to walk to him from our white sofa I record on my phone because you can never get these days back
She slowly stumbles over to him he catches her and lifts her up in the air slowly spinning around

"Who's daddy's smart little girl?"he coos she giggles
"Did you see that Love!? She can walk!"he smiles over to me I giggle

"Yeah I seen it baby"I stop recording he sets Lilly down in her play crib kissing her forehead and sits next to me on the floor putting a arm around my waist

"I love you"i look at him and smile
"I love you too Sammy"

(I know this is bad but oh well
I hope you like it🙃 Bye!)

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