Baby room last part 🥺

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The sun shines through the crack in the curtains I could hear the birds singing and the morning traffic people heading to work even though it's a Saturday

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The sun shines through the crack in the curtains I could hear the birds singing and the morning traffic people heading to work even though it's a Saturday

I turn over lying my head on Benny's bare chest he stirs under me wrapping an arm around my waist

"Morning Darling"Benny mumbled
"Hm"I hummed tiredly

"I can't be bothered getting u-"He got interrupted By the door bursting open the sound of foot steps come thudding through the room four bodies jump onto our bed practically sitting on top of us I open my eyes slightly looking at my seven year old twin boys and my three year old son

"Mama papa wake up!"The three boys shout jumping on the bed

Charlotte quietly lies down in the small gap between me and Benny with her stuffed doll that she got for her birthday in her arms

"Boys we're up we're up!"Benny said raising his voice to over power they're screaming

"Can we have pancakes for breakfast please?!"Bobby begged

"Fine as long as you get changed, do your hair and sit at the table quietly"The three boys get off the bed and scurry of to their room

"You okay sweetie?"I asked moving the
Y/h/c hair out her face and behind her ear she nodded cuddling onto my chest Benny looked down at us and smiled

"Aw look at my girls"Benny said before kissing our foreheads and hugging into us Charlotte being tight in the middle

"Daddy you're squishing me"Charlotte said turning over

"Hug you tigger? Okay"He pulled us closer hugging us tighter but not to tight to hurt us

"Daddy! Stop!"She giggled
"Stop hugging you tightly?"

"yes hug you tighter? okay"He hugged us a little tighter

"Noo!"Charlotte giggled wriggling around
"Okay okay I'll stop"Benny left the bear hug getting off the bed and stretched his arms above his head

"Let's go get breakfast"Benny said holding out his arms and Charlotte wrap her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist he held her with on arm and held out his hand for me which I happily took

we walked down the stairs and into the kitchen the three boys sat at the table Samual in his high chair Bobby playing with his action figure and Ben with a chess book in his hand Ben looked up from his book and smiled widely

"Dad I know how to do the Cross-check tactic now"Ben told us as I set Charlotte down in her high chair

"Well maybe we can play a game later and you can show me"Benny said as he took out the ingredients to made pancakes Ben nodded looking down at his book again

"And how is my little rook"I asked Samual moving his dirty blonde hair from his face 

"Good"He said cutely I kissed his forehead before helping Benny with breakfast he gave my cheek a kiss I smiled looking up at him hearing our kids giggle in the background

And this is the end of the Baby room series I didn't know this was going to be a series when I wrote the first one but thank you for enjoying it and all the support I have gotten through the chapters

Sooo I've been thinking I'm not sure if I'm going to do it yet but I might do a Newt x Reader book but I want you guys opinions on it 😁


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