♥︎Thomas part.2♥︎

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Three years later

It's been three years since that interview and those three years have been amazing I would tell you how amazing it is but that's a very long story.....

okay fine I'll tell you a little

We got a small flat near the beach it's only a two bedroom and one bathroom but it does the job we've played in a few tv series with both of us in it like the two Netflix series Godless and the queens gambit

okay that's all....

I'm currently sitting on the couch reading a book while Thomas is lying on the floor like a starfish looking up at the ceiling making fish bubble sounds I giggle
"Tommy what on earth are you doing?"He look over at me he has a small smile on his face he stands up

"Go get changed we're going out"
I look at the clock on the wall
"Thomas it's seven o'clock at night"he smiles wider

"Even better come on we don't have all day"he pulls me up
"It's already been day Tommy"he lifts me up putting me over his shoulder walking towards our bedroom He lies me down on the bed
(And no it's not that Dirty minded shanks)

"Get changed I'll be in the living"He cheekily smiles before shutting the bedroom door I giggle going to my wardrobe I get changed

I walk out the bedroom going to the living room seeing Thomas leaning on the door frame he looks at me and smiles

"Ready to go?"I nod he takes my hand we walk out the door locking it behind us we walk down to the beach walking along the water side not to close though the sun setting the sky different shade of orange and red

"Y/n"I look away from the sunset to him the sun shining onto his face making it a beautiful golden
"Yeah Tommy"We stop walking he stands in front of me holding both my hands

"Three years ago we shared our love for each other that was one of the best moments of my life
knowing that someone so special and so amazing can love me for me.
There is not enough words or time for me to show and tell you how much I love you.
you made me the man I am now.
you have brought so much happiness and love in my life I didn't know was possible, so I'm here"He gets down on one knee taking a small box out his pocket

"To ask you"He opens the box revealing a beautiful ring (Anyone you want)
I gasp happy tears forming in my eyes

"Will you be my wife?"I nod quickly
"Yes"He starts to tear up putting the ring on my finger he stands up cupping my on of my cheek and kisses me I instantly kiss him back holding his cheeks he fist pumps the air I smile into the kiss

"Will you be my wife?"I nod quickly "Yes"He starts to tear up putting the ring on my finger he stands up cupping my on of my cheek and kisses me I instantly kiss him back holding his cheeks he fist pumps the air I smile into the kiss

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If you have any ideas for any characters then say in the comments because I'm running out 😅

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