20. See You Later

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It was time...

The last night in Puerto Rico. Part of me was excited to go back home and part of me was sad to leave. I pondered on how I would feel to say good bye to Enriqué tomorrow as I put the finishing touches on my makeup.

The girls and I had decided that it was mandatory to go out tonight since it was our last night. I had decided to invite Enriqué out with us since him and I have been spending a lot of time together.

"Hey Rem are you almost ready?" Leah asked as she burst through my door.

"Yea I'll be right down" I told her as I turned around "Uh-oh my hoe a baddie, gotta make that money for me" I said laughing.

"Oh shut up, you know how I do" she told me as she strutted out of the door.

I grabbed my Christian Louboutin's and headed down stairs, I was gonna enjoy my self tonight.

When we walked up to the club I saw Enriqué standing outside. I was so excited to have fun tonight, we walked inside together and I headed straight for the bar. I knew I was gonna need at least one drink to have fun tonight. Enriqué came up and sat next to me while I drank my drink. "So your leaving tomorrow...I'm gonna miss you" He said avoiding eye contact.

"I'm gonna miss you too, but hey when you come back home maybe we can meet up for coffee or something" I said with a smile.

"Yea, sure I'd like that. Maybe I can meet Chad" I smiled at his response, despite his feelings for me he was willing to put them aside and meet Chad.

I grabbed his hand and we went out to the dance floor. We partied all night long and if I do say so myself I had an amazing time.

"Oh my god! These shoes are killing me" I heard Leah whine as we walked out of the club.

"Girl who you telling" I said taking mine off.

"Don't walk on this disgusting ground barefoot mija, let me carry you mamí" Enriqué said before I could protest he had already scooped me up.

"I'm telling Chad" CiCi said from behind us.

"We're just friends Ci" I told her.

We got home and Enriqué carried me all the way to my room and laid me on the bed.

"Rem go and put on your pajamas while I go get you some black coffee, so you can sober up" he said as he walked out of my bedroom.

I found the only pajamas I had left which was this light pink and black lace nightie what I like to call my "sexy pjs" I put my hands over my face when I realized that I had to put this on and Enriqué was coming back into my room. I slipped it on not having any other choice and got in the bed under the covers so that he wouldn't see much.

"Alright beautiful I got the black coffee" he said with a grin as he entered my room.

"Come on Enriqué I'm not even that drunk" I pouted.

"Remy you had over eight drinks, and I know your limits" I knew he was telling the truth, honestly Enriqué and I have gotten really close on this trip.

"Fine" I said giving in as I accepted the black coffee. I knew that I would be asleep in a few minutes because tonight was very tiresome.
"Thank you Enriqué...you know for everything"

"No problem mamacita, get some rest" he said tucking me in.

I fell into a deep sleep and didn't wake up until the next morning, to the smell of bacon being fried.

I got up, tied on my robe and went to the kitchen only to find Enriqué cooking and my girls sitting at the island.

"Good morning sleepy head!" I heard Bri yell, obviously testing my hangover and I definitely had one. I put my head in my hands trying to settle the ringing in my ears.

"Here's some aspirin and water mamí" Enriqué told me. He is so thoughtful and he's always there for me, but somehow I know we could never be more than friends.

"Thank you" I said with a small smile. I took the aspirin, grabbed me a piece of bacon and ran back to my room to take a shower and get ready for my flight home.

When I got out of the shower I found Enriqué sitting on my bed waiting for me. "I want to show you something before you leave, so get dressed and you might want to wear tennis shoes." and with that he left my room with a smile. I didn't know whether to be excited or scared, so I just ignored it and got ready.

We drove in silence the whole way there. I could feel his eyes boring holes into the side of my face but I refused to give him eye contact. All I could see was this small mountain and I knew that he was taking me hiking, I got out of the car and followed Enriqué to the beginning of this adventure.

By the time we reached the top I was breathing heavy and it felt like my lungs were going to collapse. But when I looked up and saw that view, it was like the whole world stopped and it was just me up there. "Beautiful" I whispered to myself, it was the only word I could possibly think of to describe how this scenery made me feel.

"I know mija" I didn't even realize Enriqué was paying attention to me. When I turned around I saw him just watching me.

"Why'd you bring me here Enriqué?" I asked not exactly sure why I was here.

"I wanted to show you my beautiful home, this is where I've always came every since I was a little boy. It's where I come to clear my head, my happy place" he told me with out looking at my face.

"It is beautiful and I'm so happy you would want to share this with me" I said reaching for him. "I'm really gonna miss you Enriqué, your like my best friend"

"I'll take being your best friend if that's all I can be" he said looking down.

He took me back to the house so I could finish packing and the girls and I could get ready to leave.

"Girls we leave in twenty" I heard CiCi yell. 'since when is this child on time' I thought.

"I'm coming, you know packing all these clothes does not go by fast" I yelled from the closet.

We arrived to the airport and we had ten minutes before our plane would take off. I sat down in one of the airport seats and pulled out my phone to call Chad. I only got his voicemail.

"Hey baby, I'm at the airport. We're about to board the plane. I love you, I'll see you when I get home" I spoke into the receiver.

Enriqué came and sat down beside me, I guess he noticed the disappointment in my face. "What's wrong mija" he asked.

"He won't even answer my calls I didn't expect him to still be mad. I mean I gave him his time to think. Do you think I gave him enough time?" I asked looking away.

"Mija" he said lifting up my chin "it will all work out, if he loves you he will come around"

"Thanks Enriqué, I really appreciate you for this" . They announced that our plane was boarding and I started to get up and walk to the plane. When we reached the entrance all my girls went ahead of me and Enriqué grabbed my arm and turned me around.

"I'll miss you Remy, we will meet up when I get back home and don't forget to bring Chad." he said looking me in the eyes. "see you later Rem" he told me as he kissed me on the cheek.

"Bye Enriqué" I mumbled walking to the boarding entrance. I found my girls and sat down next to Bri.

"I'm sorry that we didn't spend as much time together as we wanted to" I announced to the girls.

"It's okay we were all pretty much doing our own thing" CiCi said with a smirk. I knew I would have to get the details of her trip later.

I got tired and drifted off to sleep. I woke up to the flight attendant announcing that we had arrived in South Carolina.

Sorry for the long waits just haven't had the time to update. I hope you guys are still enjoying the book and continue to read. I'll start on the next chapter now. Kisses 💋

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