25. Can We Talk?

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2 weeks later...

I woke up and rolled over to find Chad gone, 'he must've already left for work' I thought. I knew he had went against waking me up because he knows how I am about my sleep. I reached for my phone on the nightstand and noticed the huge rock on my finger that wasn't my promise ring. I realized that Chad had replaced the ring he gave me earlier in our relationship, it was absolutely gorgeous. I smiled and decided to get ready for a day to myself.

I've been secretly engaged for two weeks, no one and I mean no one knows about Chad proposing. I haven't even told my girls about Rick breaking into my house, I had decided to wait a little while because I know a lot is happening in our lives. I made a mental note to set up something with my girls to talk about my engagement. My thinking was interrupted by my phone ringing.

"Hello" I said putting the phone up to my ear.

"Hey baby, glad your awake." I heard Chads voice on the other end.

"Yea, I love the ring baby it's beautiful!" The ring was round cut with diamonds going around the small band.

"I'm glad you like it, I've been working towards getting it for you since I gave you that promise ring a long time ago" he informed me.

"Aww, when are you coming home?" I just wanted to spend my day with him but I knew he had to work.

"I won't be home till late. That actually is what I was calling to tell you."

I pouted and stuck out my lip, although he couldn't see me. "okay babe maybe I'll go hang out with the girls or stay in the house"

"Well, I have to get back to work. I love you" he told me and immediately I began to smile.

"I love you more, have a good day!" I hung up the phone and hopped in the shower. I had no plans today, except to clean around the house and maybe have lunch with one of the girls.

The kitchen, bathroom, and living room had been cleaned and I decided to take a break and check my phone. I had some text messages from a number I had never seen before.

Unknown: I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused you, I just want to talk to you face to face like adults.
Unknown: I love you.

I read the messages and my heart started to race. I thought what had I gotten myself into, when we were together he wasn't this consistent. This boy wasn't gonna stop until he had me right where he wanted me.

My phone started to ring, snapping me out of my thoughts. I picked up the phone not checking who it was...


"Oh, you answered" the husky voiced replied on the other end.

"Rick, what do you want?" I asked annoyed.

"I want to talk to you, as I said in my text"

"There's nothing to talk about Rick"

"Please Remy, just meet up with me?" He was practically begging me.

I knew he wouldn't hurt me in a public place, and I don't know what else to do to show him that it's really over between us. I sighed and told him to meet me at the same coffee shop we met at the last time.

I hopped in the shower and threw on some clothes. I sent a text that I was headed to the coffee shop to Chad in case something happened he would know the last place I went, and I didn't want him to worry about where I was.

I pulled up to the shop and saw Rick sitting at a table through the window.

I waved as I walked up to the table, not really wanting to speak with him.

"I'm glad you decided to meet with me" he smiled shyly.

"Well I felt it was needed. You aren't gonna stop until I make it clear that there isn't an us" I said with an attitude.

"Remy, why do you hate me so much?"

"You may have took me through hell but I don't hate you, I just don't associate with you" I told him honestly.

"Why not, it's not like we can't be friends"

"We can't be friends! What is there for us to talk about, why do you want to hold on to a relationship with me?" I asked.

"Because I hate how it all ended Remy. I never meant to hurt you"

"Bullshit!" I could see sincerity in his eyes but I fought to believe him. "You never knew how to be in a relationship, and I was stupid to think you were ever gonna change"

"I know I messed up, I didn't deserve you then and I don't deserve you now but I miss having you in my life as just a friend. You're an amazing woman and Chad is so lucky to have you, at least he knows what he has" I could tell he meant every word, he was actually being serious for once and I was definitely taken aback.

"I appreciate what you just said but we can't be friends, you don't know how to be just friends with a female. You flirt way too much and I'm not dealing with that...oh wait and one more thing, I can't stand you!"

With that I got up and left, done with everything. Before I pulled off I blocked him from everything and called Chad since I had finished early, to let him know what had happened.


"Babe are you busy" I asked.

"Not at the moment, what's wrong?" He sounded a little worried.

"Oh nothing, but you know how I told you I was going to the coffee shop?"


"Well I met Rick there..."

"What the hell Remy, why didn't you tell me?" He yelled.

"Because I knew you would say no and I needed to let him know that I'm never going back to him. We actually had a serious conversation but I guess I was a little childish when I left because I told him I couldn't stand him, but that's how I feel" I tried to explain. "I just don't want you to be mad at me baby"

"I'm not mad, I wish you would've told me before you went but it's done now. I'm just glad you told me at all"

"I wouldn't hide it from you" I told him.

"I know baby, I love you I have to go. I will see you when I get home"

"Okay, I love you too" I hung up and drove on home.

Ooo it's been awhile, I've been hella busy with one thing after the other. I'm gonna get back on schedule so I can finish this book👍🏽. Enjoy💋

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