19. Love and War

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My voice was shaky and I couldn't think straight as I tried to tell the man I am madly in love with that I woke up next to someone else. I sobbed into the phone as I poured my heart out to him in I'm sorry's and it didn't mean anything's.

"What the hell Rem, I trusted you and you go to Puerto Rico and do this!" I could hear the disappointment in his voice.

"But baby I promise I didn't do anything with that man, I don't even know him. you should know me better than that" I responded back feeling offended.

"I thought I did know you better, but I guess not" he said making me feel worse than I already did.

"Chad I swear on everything I wouldn't do that too you and you know that!" I yelled into the receiver.

"You know what Rem I'll talk to you later, enjoy the rest of your trip" he mumbled into the phone.

"I love you" I said quietly, all I heard was the dial tone.

I went down stairs and found a tub of ice cream and a spoon, I'm not sure where that ice cream came from but that was the least of my worries. I walked back to my room and curled up in a ball while I ate my ice cream. I needed comfort I just wanted someone to hold me and tell me everything was going to be alright.

At some point I drifted off into a deep sleep, and for those few hours I escaped reality. I woke up too the front door being slammed, I didn't know if someone was coming or going and honestly I didn't care because reality had set back in and I realized that Chad is still mad at me. I didn't even realize I was crying until I heard someone say "What's wrong Remy?" I could pick that voice out anywhere.

"I'm fine Enriqué" I said as I wiped the tears away.

"Then why are you crying mamí?" He asked as he lifted my chin up to look me in the eyes.

"Boy troubles" I mumbled, I didn't even really mean to tell Enriqué about my problems but he's so easy to talk to. "I told my boyfriend back home about us waking up next to each other and he feels like I betrayed him" I told him as the tears began to fall.

"Well give him time mija" he said while pulling me into a hug.

"I just wish he would listen to me, I did nothing wrong!" I wailed into his shirt.

"I know" he rubbed my back as I cried silently. "Do you want to get out of here...you know as friends?"

I lifted my head up to meet his eyes "I guess so, I should probably get my mind off of this"

He released me from his embrace so that I could get ready. I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair. When I came back out Enriqué was still sitting on my bed.
"Will you excuse me so that I can get ready?" I asked.

"Oh yea I'm sorry mija" Enriqué said as he rushed out of my room.

I threw on my hot pink sundress and my nude sandals with all gold accessories. I know it seems like I'm getting all dolled up but honestly looking my best always makes me feel better. I put on a little bit of makeup because I had been crying so much.

"I'm ready!" I yelled as I came downstairs.

"You look beautiful mamí" he said as I saw his eyes widen.

I don't know why but it felt so good to actually hear someone else think of me as beautiful. Enriqué was an amazing guy but I was in a relationship with an amazing guy already, Chad...right?

Enriqué took me too this beautiful part of the beach where there was hardly any people out. we walked and talked for hours until I heard my stomach start to growl.

"You hungry mija" he asked, I only nodded. "I know the perfect place"

We pulled up to this beautiful restaurant, the place looked really expensive. "Enriqué I can't let you take me here this place looks way too expensive" I told him while we sat in the car.

"Of course you can mija, I want you to cheer up" he said looking me in the eyes.

The restaurant was beautiful on the inside and the food was remarkable. "Thank you Enriqué, so much. This place is amazing and you made me feel so much better after my terrible morning" I said with a big smile on my face.

"No problem mamí, I just enjoying seeing the smile on your face" he said with a small smirk.

"Why are you so nice to me? You barely know me" I asked changing the subject.

"I don't know mija. I guess when I first met you I thought 'wow she's beautiful', when I approached you I wasn't expecting you to be single but I definitely hoped so. I'm not the type of guy to step in when you already have someone, but it's something about you that just draws me in." he told me giving me complete eye contact.

"I'm not going to lie, I have some type of feeling towards you. But then there's Chad, he really is amazing and I don't want to hurt him" I responded back.

"I understand Remy, I'm not asking you to be with me but at least let's be friends nothing more nothing less" he said with sincerity in his voice.

I didn't respond but I'm sure he knew that I would need time.

"Come on I'll take you home" he said as he got up from the table and grabbed my hand.

The drive back to the house was silent, giving me the time to think about what Enriqué had just said to me back at the restaurant. I knew that I wanted a friend like Enriqué in my life but what would Chad think.

Just as we pulled up to the house I heard Enriqué say "Would you be up for being friends?"

"Of course" I responded back knowing that everything would work out just the way it should.

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