27. Small Packages

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7 months later...

I woke up to my phone ringing, checking the time and caller ID I sighed and answered even though I didn't know the number.

"Hello" my voice was groggy.

"Remy! We need you at the hospital right now, something's gone wrong!" I could only distinct the accent but not who it was.

"Okay I'm on my way" I knew it had to be either Jose or Roberto. I hung up the phone and shook Chad to wake up.

"Get up! I need you to drive me to the hospital, something's wrong with one of the girls!" I yelled at him. He jumped up and slid into his sweats, while I had to search for mine. I decided I should brush my teeth since I might be in people's face and that's nasty. We rushed out the house and jumped in the car, speeding down the highway I started to freak out because who knows what could be happening.

"Calm down baby everything's going to be okay" Chad said grabbing my hand.

"I hope so"

Once we found a parking space we ran into the emergency room. Immediately Roberto walked up to us, along with Bri and Jose closely behind.

"What's wrong, what happened to Ci?!?" Worry all over my face once I realized who was emitted.

"I woke up to her crying, she had terrible cramps. I asked her what was wrong a bunch of times and she wouldn't answer but she did point at her stomach, so I asked her if she wanted to go to the hospital and she shook her head "yes". I went to pick her up and saw blood all over the sheets, of course she cried louder and I got worried so I rushed her here and called you." he explained to me.

"Thank you for calling." I said "Has anybody called Leah?" I asked noticing she wasn't here.

"I did she's on her way" Bri said.

"Have they said any..." I couldn't get out my whole question before the doctor came out with CiCi's update.

"Are you guys the family of CiCi?" The doctor asked.

"I'm her boyfriend and father of the baby, these are her best friends" He gestured towards us.

"Well she lost quite a bit of blood, seems as though she went into early labor. It is possible that her water broke in her sleep and she didn't notice until the contractions got worse. The bleeding was a result of her being in labor so long and from what she was telling me she was putting pressure on her stomach. Everything's fine, she's doing great but the baby did come early" he took a long pause and everybody held their breath, I could feel the tension in the room.

"Is the baby okay?" Roberto finally spoke up.

"Yes, luckily CiCi came in early enough so that the baby survived" the doctor smiled "She was born 3 pounds 5 ounces, so she is obviously premature. We are going..." the doctor couldn't finish his statement.

"She? We had a baby girl?" Roberto asked a smile on his face.

"Oh that's right I forgot it was a surprise, well SURPRISE!... We ran a few test and you guys are be able to see her and CiCi" with that he congratulated Roberto again and walked away.

We all walked in to see CiCi smiling down at her beautiful baby girl.

"She's beautiful Ci" I said making our presence evident.

"She is, isn't she. I can't believe I'm a mom, I hate she had to come early but I'm glad she's here" CiCi said with the biggest smile on her face. We all were so happy to welcome our "niece" into the world.

Roberto walked around to the other side of the hospital bed and looked down at his new baby girl. "Elena meet your dad" Roberto kissed his daughter on the forehead, "Elena, my light, I love you" he kissed CiCi on the forehead too "You did great my love"

The scene in front of me was so beautiful I almost cried. Bringing a baby into the world is a beautiful thing and something I had been wanting for awhile now. I hadn't told anyone about my baby fever but I'm sure it was evident in my sex life.

We stayed at the hospital for a few hours, well until I had to go to class and Chad had to go to work. We said our goodbyes, kissed my niece and left the happy family alone to enjoy their baby.

I was silent on the way home. I had let my thoughts consume me, I couldn't help but think of when Chad and I would start our family. I knew it wouldn't be for a long time but I wanted my own little bundle of joy.

"What's wrong baby? You've been really quiet since we left the hospital."

"Oh I'm fine" I lied, sort of. I was fine I just wanted a baby.

"Rem, I know you. Tell me what's up?"

I though he had bought my lie, "I'm just thinking baby, nothing serious".

"It must be if it's got you quiet", he took his eyes off the road for a second to glance at me.

"I just can't wait for us to get married and start our family. Seeing Ci and Bri have their own little family has just made me start to want the same thing".

"Well Bae it will all come in due time, don't rush it. Do you honestly think that we are ready to take care of a whole human being?". I sighed knowing he was right.

"You're right Bae we need to focus on getting our lifestyle set the way we want it before bringing someone else into the world." We were pulling into our parking lot.

"Speaking of our lifestyle", he said as he parked the car "I've been thinking about going back to school"

"Really?" I had been talking to Chad about going back to school for a long time and it always seemed to go in one ear and out the other. Not like we were struggling, but I knew we could have a way better life if we both were striving towards a degree.

"Yea. I know you always talk about me going, and I want to be able to give you the life you deserve. I mean I make good money, hence the rock on your finger but I've always wanted my own business." I looked at him like he was crazy I've never heard him say that before.

"Well this is the first I've heard of this, but baby you know I support you no matter what you do." I reached for his hand "What are you going to do about your job?" I asked

"I'm going to continue to work, for the most part my classes will be online so I can always do work when I'm not doing anything, but you have to realize this means I'm going to be extra tired and sometimes I might need your help around here". I think he was sending for me because I always help, but I overlooked it. He paused and looked at me.

"Oh baby you know I got you. Whatever you need just tell me and we'll work it out." I reassured him that we were gonna work this out. I was going to support him just like he is supporting me through school. It's not going to be easy but we have been through plenty of struggles before, and we haven't broken yet.

I am so sorry I have been gone for a long time. I had writers block then I just started to have less time to sit down and write but I'm going to make time now. This chapter is a filler chapter I have some good stuff in store for the rest of this book, I am going to speed it along since there is a certain place I want to be when I conclude book 1 but it will make sense altogether. Enjoy💋

Will Chad and Remy make it with both of them in school?

Is Remy's baby fever gonna become too much for Chad to bare?

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