10. Coffee Surprise

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Remy POV
After my short conversation with Leah on the phone I told Chad I was going to get coffee from the coffee shop around the corner.

I texted Bri and told her to meet me there. I pulled up to the packed coffee shop and saw Bri getting out of her car. We got in the long line and placed our orders. I found us a table while she waited for our drinks.

"I can't believe you are living alone with Chad" she said sitting down.

"Girl you act like this is permanent this is only temporary, you know I'm going off to college after the summer is over" I informed her.

"I know but let's be real Remy, y'all are really serious. Thats more than likely gonna still be home to you whenever you're home for the weekend or holidays" she said.

I looked at her puzzled, thinking she's probably right.

"Is it bad, I mean I am in love" I shot back kind of annoyed.

"No it's not bad, I'm just looking out for you Rem. I want what's best for you and for you to be happy. As long as you're happy I will be too. Just checking to see if this is really what you want" she said calmly.

"I appreciate you looking out, but you have to let me make my own mistakes Bri. Maybe this isn't the right move for me, but I've made it and I will roll with the punches. All I ask is that if everything falls apart just be there for me to pick up the pieces, not say 'I told you so' " I told her.

"You know I'm always here for you no matter what Rem. I love you like a sister." she said with lots of love in her eyes.

"I love you too" and I really meant that.

I went to grab my phone and send a quick text to my baby and when I turned around I saw him. I hadn't seen him since graduation, but there he was.

"I have to go" I said rushing and grabbing my stuff to go.

"Okay..." Bri said hesitantly.

"I'll call you" I yelled as I ran out the door I hope he didn't see me.

I made it to the stop light when I received a text

Anonymous: Why'd you run out, we could've caught up a little.

Shit! He saw me. Wait a minute how did he get through, I blocked him?

well I guess you'll have to keep reading to find out ✌️💋

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