11. Welcome To The Past

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It's been a week since I saw him in the coffee shop. I haven't told Chad about him because I know how mad he would be about him still having my number.

"Hey babe have you seen my polo dress shirt?" I heard Chad yell from the closet, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"It's in here I'm about to iron it for you" I yelled back. We were going out to this fancy restaurant with Leah and her boyfriend, Kevin.

I finished making my tea and ironing Chads shirt, when I heard the shower running. 'doesn't make sense to waste water' I thought, as I stripped down and ran in the bathroom.

I got in behind him, wrapping my arms around him and kissing him on his shoulder.

"I thought why not shower together" I said as he turned around.

"You know I don't mind" he said with a smirk as he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him.

Let's just say a little more than showering went on. We finished in the shower with only an hour for me to get ready and do my hair and makeup.

"Babe hurry up we're gonna be late" Chad yelled from the door.

"Alright, alright I'm coming!" I said making it to the door.

The ride to the restaurant was very quiet.

"Rem, why so quiet?" Chad asked looking at me when we stop at a light.

"Just thinking baby" I said not giving him eye contact.

We pulled up to the restaurant, and I sent a text to Leah telling her we were there.

"Hey girl" Leah said walking up to us.

"Wassup man" Kevin greeted Chad.

"How are you doing Kevin, it's nice to see you" I said

"I'm doing fine, just trying to keep up with this one" he said winking at Leah.

"LET'S EAT" Leah said changing the subject.

We were escorted to our table and gave the waitress our drink orders. While everyone looked at the menu to figure out what they wanted, conversation got started up.

"So what have you and Chad been up to" asked Leah.

I knew she already had an idea of what we've been up to, but leave it to her to put us out there.

"Oh you know just enjoying living together" Chad responded discretely. Thank God he answered because I had know idea what to say.

"Well aren't y'all nasty!" She blurted out obviously catching on to what Chad meant. We all laughed as the waitress came over to get our orders.

Our meals had made it back and we were almost finished when the door opened and in walked the most unexpected person. He looked right in my direction and as soon as he did I felt Chad tense up beside me. I knew Chad had noticed him and before I could say anything Chad was out of his seat and headed for the door.

"Excuse me" I said to Leah and Kevin as I ran after him.

I got outside and found him standing by the car. He was breathing heavy and looked like her was ready to punch something at any minute.

"What the hell is he doing here" he shot at me when he noticed I was there.

"Well baby he does live in this town, I can't help that" I told him.

"Have you seen him since school ended, besides tonight?" he asked

"Um, yea about a week ago when I went to the coffee shop"

"Why didn't you tell me Remy! Are you hiding something from me?" He yelled.

"No!" I yelled "I wanted to tell you but I didn't want this to happen".

"I guess you should know that he sent me a text message too" I added quickly.

"How the hell does he have your number!" He questioned with a deep frown on his face.

"I don't know I thought I blocked him on my phone, but baby I didn't reply back to him" I told him.

"Whatever Remy, I'm out of here" he said walking away.

"Wait! Chad! Please!" I yelled trying to make him stop, but he was way too far to hear.

I got in my car as the tears started to fall, I sent a text telling Leah I was sorry and what had happened. I drove home and he wasn't there. I tried waiting up for him but he didn't come home. I feel asleep with tears streaming down my face and clutching his pillow...

Drama!!! Lol well no school today so you know what that means.....writing all day!!!!💋
Btw who is this guy?

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