28. Just Me And You

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After talking to Chad about him going back to school I started to think about how much of a strain it would be on him and our relationship. I really wanted him to do this but I didn't want our relationship to suffer because of it. So I did the one thing I always do...called Leah. She was the only one that had been in a relationship almost as long as I have.

"Hello", she said.

"Hey, I need someone to talk to" I whined.

"Stop whining, and just come over" she fussed.

I sighed, "I'll be there in like a hour"

"Damn, you need that much time. You don't have to impress me, I already know yo ass ugly", she joked.

"Bish get your life, you know I'm cute! But I'll see you in a minute, bye". I hung up the phone and got dressed.

I threw on a t-shirt, some distressed jeans, and my Timbs. On the way to Leah's my stomach started to growl so I stopped at a Japanese take-out restaurant and ordered two steak dinners without carrots, extra white sauce and two drinks. While I waited for my food I texted Chad to let him know where I was going and that I probably wouldn't be back till later. Knowing Leah and I, this could take all night.

It actually did take me a whole hour to make it to Leah's house. When I got there the door was unlocked so I just walked in "I AM HERE, AND I BEAR GIFTS" I yelled referring to our food.

"I thought I smelt steak", she said coming around the corner.

"I was hungry so I figured why not stop and get our favorite!".

"Yasss! You know me so well! I was hungry as hell". She reached for the bag and we walked into the kitchen. We ate and talked about my dilemma.

"Well Rem, it's going to be hard but if you love this man and you want to spend the rest of your life with him then you need to let him do this, because your ass is expensive as hell!", she said once I finished telling her what was going on.

I laughed,"I do love him, and I've always talked about him going back to school but he always just brushed me off. Don't get me wrong I want him to go back to school more than anything, I just don't want the pressure from the house and our relationship to cause problems", I explained to her exactly how I was feeling. One thing about Leah I could always tell her exactly how I was feeling and she wouldn't judge.

"Then don't be a burden", I frowned a little offended. "I mean don't nag him all the time, be there for him as much as possible, understand that sometimes he might be too tired, and contribute as far as taking care of the house..."

"So basically be his wife?", I interrupted.

"Well you will be his wife soon, so why not start now?", she asked.

"Because I had dreams before I met him Lee, and I'm not gonna jeopardize my education and the lifestyle I want for myself to protect his pride" , I was beginning to get a little upset. "I don't want to depend on him".

"Remy, I'm not saying do that but you and Chad are going to have to have a deeper conversation about this so that the two of you have an understanding. So, I'm not saying go home tonight but sleep on it and sit down and tell him how you feel". I knew she was right so I sighed and nodded in agreement.

"Okay I will talk to him, thanks for the help Lee", I said and gave her a smile.

"You're welcome, you only use me for what you can get and then bribe me with food", she said with a fake pout.

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