♡︎ You Broke ~ Jorbyn ♡︎

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Ship(s): jorbyn (jonah and Corbyn ) with a hint of Zonah (Zach and jonah)

Prompt: in which corbyn won't apologize for how he chose to repair what jonah broke

Famous or nah: famous

-3rd person POV-

Corbyn walked into the house where his band mates were in. It was eleven in the morning and Corbyn came stumbling in.

"Corbyn," Jack exclaimed as he jumped out of his seat to help Corbyn. Jack got there just in time as he caught Corbyn from falling to the ground.

Corbyn was sober. He was just so tired and exhausted. He was drained of everything in him.

Everyone knew what Corbyn was doing. And they knew why. His bandmates did anyways.

Jack lead Corbyn to the couch and slowly eased him down.

"Stay, imma get you a glass of water," Jack whispered as Corbyn nodded.

"Umm who was it this time?" Daniel asked to make conversation.

"Eben," Corbyn said as everyone's eyes widen in shock. Never did they think eben swung like that. But Corbyn was very good at persuading just about anyone. After all, he had the looks, the charm, and the personality. Truth be told, Corbyn could just get about anyone in bed if he really tried to.

Jonah scoffed underneath his breath as Corbyn glanced at him. The hurt in his eyes revealed just about everything everyone needed to know about Corbyn.

"Who's next this time?" Jonah commented as Corbyn looked at him, his anger slowly rising.

"What the fuck does that mean?" Corbyn aggressively asked jonah.

"You know damn well what it means." Jonah sneered at him.

"Fucking say it jonah. Whatever you have to say, say it to my face." Corbyn said as he stood up.

Jonah standing up as well, slowly lifting Zach's body of him as they were cuddling.

"It's means you're a fucking whore Corbyn," Jonah said as everyone's jaw dropped.

"You don't get to call me that." Corbyn sneered as he began walking towards jonah.

"You left me. You picked Zach over me." Corbyn sneered as tears began to slide down his cheeks.

"I wasn't the one who lied to you about not having a boyfriend. I was truthful. I didn't have you as a fucking side bitch." Corbyn said as he dug his finger into Jonah's chest with each word. Tears continuing to pour down his cheeks.

Zach looking extremely uncomfortable with everything going on.

"You don't get to call me a whore. If I want to sleep around, I can and I will. You have Zach, worry about him." Corbyn commented.

"I'm just saying maybe it's best if you stop opening ass for every damn guy you see." Jonah scoffed as corbyns eyes turned dark. A side of Corbyn no one had seen before was coming out.

"You fucking broke me!" Corbyn exploded. "I don't and will not apologize for how I choose to fix myself and my broken pieces. You picked Zach. You left me on the fucking ground, sobbing and pleading for you to pick me." Corbyn sobbed, not caring who was hearing. He was tired of acting fine. He was exhausted and utterly drained of faking his smile.

"Sleeping, parting, and drinking was what I was doing before we got involved. But then we started sleeping around. And I fell in love. And I thought I found the one. The one I was going to marry and spend the rest of my life with. The one I would wake up to every morning and go to sleep with every night. So yes jonah, I'm sleeping around. Because when I met you, I was done. I was done sleeping, partying, and drinking. But you, you fucking broke me." Corbyn sobbed.

"Stay the fuck out of my life from now on. You picked Zach. You broke me. So now let me repair myself." Corbyn commented.

"I will not apologize for the things I do to glue my broken pieces back together. I will not apologize for the things I have to do to repair what you broke." Corbyn said as he left the room, not caring who's feelings he hurt. Because no one seemed to care who hurt Corbyn. So why should he care? He was tired of acting and putting on a mask. From now on, Corbyn was doing shit for himself and only himself.

Hi! I'm here to say that life has truly been so freaking awesome lately. I'm so grateful. I just got a new car. And just everything has been aligning up with everything I've wanted lately.

I just hope everything you have been manifesting lately becomes true because everything has for me. And I wish you guys nothing but happiness.



And follow me


I love you guys so much!

Also if you know where this plot and scene is from, I seriously love you and we need to become friends like fr

Also if you know where this plot and scene is from, I seriously love you and we need to become friends like fr

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I'm so in love with him omg!

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