♡ I always Get What I Want~Dorbyn ♡

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Ship(s): Dorbyn (Corbyn and Daniel)

Prompt: Corbyn and Daniel visit Corbyn's ex boyfriend at his grave and Daniel has a hidden secret kept from Corbyn that could wreck everything if Corbyn ever found out

Famous or nah: nah

-Corbyn's POV-

I crossed my arms over my chest as I shivered while tears ran down my cheeks. My mind silently reading the name on the gravestone over and over again. The name who belonged to my ex.

Jonah Marais

We were dating for one year when on a night he was home alone, an intruder broke in and killed him. To this day, we still can't figure out who did it. The officers and investigators have worked day and night trying to figure out this case. Not a single trace has been found. Absolutely nothing. It's so frustrating.

Arms wrapped around behind me as a smile appeared on my face. I turned around and looked up at my gorgeous boyfriend. Daniel Seavey. He was there for me as I mourned over Jonah's death. Slowly I fell in love with Him. After two years of Jonah's death, we began dating. I still keep Jonah's promise ring he gave him though. To honor him.

"How you doing baby?" He asked me as he wiped the tears that ran down my cheeks.

"Good, it's tough but he's happier up there," I said as I looked up into the sky. A smile stretched on my pink lips as tears brimmed my eyes.

"He is," Daniel said as he pecked my lips.

"Come on, we gotta get going. It's beginning to snow. And we don't wanna be stuck here," he softly chuckled as I nodded.

Watching as the crystal white snowflakes slowly began to fall onto the ground. The ground becoming to be covered with white over it. It was beautiful. Like a sign from Jonah. He was from Minnesota, he absolutely adored the snow. It reminded him of his home. The way his eyes lit up when he saw snow was everything.

Daniel slowly guided me towards the exit but stopped.

"Imma say a few things to Jonah baby," Daniel said as I nodded.

"You want me to come with?" I asked him.

"No thanks babe. Go in the car, stay warm before you get sick," he said as he softly pecked my nose causing me to scrunch it up as he giggled.

"You're adorable, now go," he shooed me away as I laughed but obeyed.

-Daniel's POV-

"We meet again huh?" I said as I stared the gravestone.

"It's been four years since you've died. I've been with Corbyn two of those years together." I said as I got on my knees.

"I didn't want to do it jonah but you wouldn't leave. I asked for one simply favor from you and you couldn't do it," I said as i laughed darkly.

"You knew I loved him and you still began to go after him. I have loved him for all my life," I sneered.

"I had to do it jonah, I had to," I said as memories began to flash through me.

Screams and shouts evident that night. Blood everywhere. On my hands, on the knife, on Jonah's chest, his neck. I had killed him. I had stabbed him to death.

"I told you to get out of the picture," I said as I stood up.

"And you couldn't do it," I said as I shook my head.

"It didn't have to come to this Jonah. I'm Daniel Seavey. And," I stated as I turned around.

"I always get what I want," I finished with a smirk on my face then walked towards the car that held my boyfriend.

Life's been hectic lately, sorry y'all. Also I'm really sorry that I dead ass always say y'all. My southern ass comes out lmao! I promise to update my YouTube channel book soon! I'm working on it! I swear!



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Love you guys so much 💜

If u ever need a friend, lmk :) always here for y'all! Let's get close! Let's be friends! I need more friends, I'm hella lonely 😂 I have some serious topics to talk about at like 2 am. 😂

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