♡︎︎ You Like Him Better - Zonah ♡︎

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Ship(s): zonah (Jonah and Zach)

Prompt: in which Jonah prefers someone else

Famous or nah: nah

-Zach's POV-

I frowned at the text message my boyfriend Jonah had sent me. I tossed my phone to the side and looked ahead to the teacher who I zoned out. Jonah had been distant lately. I had been kinda trying to understand. After all he was a junior in college while I was a senior in high school. Our schedules were complicated. But we had managed to make it work.

The sound of the bell ringing caused me to blink out of my trance. Daniel, my friend, stared at me weirdly as I took forever to get up. I shook my head at him and we began to make our way out.

I stared at the window of Daniel's car, my mind somewhere else. Daniel took notice but decided not to push it which I was extremely grateful for.

"Can you drop me off at the Beachwood Cafe?" I softly asked Daniel as he nodded and changed route.

It was Jonah's and I's spot. The place where we met. Our first date. The cafe just holds so many memories that hold so many meanings. A place where I could go and just kinda forget. Forget everything. I could space out and just think. And maybe sometimes it would be torture because of my mind but it would often bring me peace.

"You want me to go in with you?" Daniel asked me, bringing me out of my trance and realizing we were around at the cafe.

"No thank you, kinda wanna be alone." I told him as he gave me a sad smile. He knew Jonah and I were in a tough soft. So he understood why I wanted to be alone and didn't take it to heart. Which is why I was extremely thankful. I love all my friends deeply. But some would get offended at the statement that I wanted to be alone. Friends are amazing but so is being alone. I needed to balance that.

"Alright, love you. Call me if you need anything, I'll be over at Jack's." He told me as I nodded.

"Thanks, I love you too. And I will." I told him as I opened the door and stepped out.

I stood at the door of the cafe and watched Daniel back up and drive off.

With a deep breath, I walked into the cafe. Taking in the sweet smell of coffee grounds, a small smile appeared on my face. I always have loved the smell of coffee, it gave me a sense of confront. Reminded me of home as a child, my childhood. Waking up and smelling coffee as my parents sat at the table, drinking their coffee.

My eyes wondered around the cafe and my breath got caught in my throat as I saw him. My own boyfriend sat at a booth. A blonde in front of him as they held hands in the middle. The blonde looked at him with loving eyes as Jonah mirrored the look. I felt my heart crack and slowly break into a million pieces as Jonah leaned over and kissed the blonde on the lips.

With the bit of strength that I had, I walked towards them. My eyes watering as I got closer, realizing that the blonde was wearing Jonah's sweater.

"Jonah," I spoke up, my voice cracking.

Jonah looked over, his lips parting on shock as he quickly let go of the blonde's hand. The blonde watching us with a guilty look ok his face.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Zach, I'm so sorr-" he started but I cut him off.

I shook my head and looked up. Trying to recollect myself.

"I don't want to hear apologizes, just want to know why." I told him.

I shook my head as he stayed silent. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I tried to stay strong and not break down in front of him, both of them.

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